Remembering How Cure Pulled Shots

By | on February 21, 2013 | 20 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

20 Responses to “Remembering How Cure Pulled Shots”

  1. February 21, 2013


    Hi Paul. Thanks again for this reminder. Turning off the arms works really well. However every now and then, (and I know that shouldn’t), 1/2 way through my swing, I get an urge to give a little arm muscle resulting in a pull if not a bad shot. Doing this I end with a chiken wing finish. I know what I have done wrong, but like the above tip, is some little thing I can think about to stop this urge and have a better extended finish?
    Thanks for all your hard work. You have made golfing a lot more fun and I thoroughly enjoy your site.

    • February 22, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      Glad you like the site. I appreciate the feedback. I’m also glad you are improving. This tells me I am doing something right.

      I think the best thing you can do are practice swings before you hit each shot. I just did a tip on this the other day. As you do the practice swings you are thinking about the pace of the practice swing as you are doing it. Then you apply that very same pace to your shots.


      Think Pace of Swing When You Play:


      You can be thinking about going through to your follow through position. In thinking like this you are not thinking of hitting the ball. So hit it, hold the follow through and check to see if you did it exactly right. If you are thinking of sticking the follow through you must be doing it at a rate of speed that you can actually stick it. If you go too hard you will be falling all over the place and not hitting the position.


      Hit, Hold and Check:

  2. February 21, 2013


    Hi Paul,

    Thank you for that tip.
    I have been trying to use your techniques for a little while now and things are getting a lot better and I am more confident with better scores.
    My worst problem shot is now this pull hook off the tee.
    In a couple of rounds recently I observed both myself and playing partners having hooks on particular holes.
    They are ones with downhill fairways or where the green lies below the tee.
    My theory is that because we are looking downhill at our target landing area then we tend to lean forward slightly on the downswing which causes the forward body lean hence bringing about the pull shot ( I only understood this because you explained it in a previous tip).
    To correct this I think to hang back a little on the right side or when I set up to pick a target that is horizontal rather than my landing area.
    I would welcome your thoughts on this.
    Whilst my scoring is getting a lot better now, particularly when I use your chipping method using different clubs for different roll out on the green, my one challenging shot is when I am say 5 to 10 yards off the green with the flag say 20 yards on what kind of shot to use then.
    Keep up the good work – a great site

    • February 22, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      I’m glad you are improving. I love hearing it.

      Yes, you may be uncomfortable in this situation. If you see it happening consistently on these holes then something is wrong. You may also be undecided on what club to hit from this elevated tee. Without confidence you may not be driving the lower body fast enough to get ahead of the hands so the hands and arms pull down and you pull hook it.

      In the future, before you tee of from this situation, just hold the club in the air at approx. knee high. Do a few practice swings feeling the legs and hips making the club swing. Once you have this feeling step up and apply it to your shots. You are pull hooking because the arms are starting down first. If you get the legs and hips to initiate the downswing you will hit it dead straight or with a slight draw.

      Here are 3 tips on my favorite drill:

      DRILL: Swing Off Ground:
      Drill: Swing Off Ground Variation:
      Drill: My Favorite Drill

  3. February 21, 2013


    Hi Paul

    Your method works for me extremely well, except when using a rescue club (5 or 6) of the Tee and especially on a par 3. Any reason why a rescue cube would have more of a hooking effect?

    Thank you


    • February 22, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      You have one swing and 13 clubs + your putter. If you cannot hit certain clubs you have a mental block, you are making a different swing with those clubs or those club are not fitted properly. They may have weaker or stronger than normal shafts. I would take them to a fitter. Also, make sure you are doing your exact swing when you hit these clubs and not doing something different. Do a few practice swings beforehand focusing on your movement. Then apply this movement to the shot.

      • February 22, 2013


        Thanks Paul. I THINK I use the same swing, but will follow your advice the next time on the driving range. Then, perhaps, a fitter.


  4. August 22, 2013



  5. Avatar photo

    August 20, 2017


    Hi Paul,

    I was at the range yesterday, and I was pulling almost all my shots. I have been working on loose wrists to get more power. Could it be that I am snapping them too early, closing the face, and that’s what’s causing me to pull?



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      August 21, 2017

      Paul Wilson


      Yes. Pulling is you using your arms. If you did it too early the face would be shut thus resulting in a pull/pull hook. Keep this feeling in the lower and fire the lower way harder to straighten it out. You have half of it. You just need the other half.

      See The Good In A Pull and Pull Hook:

  6. Hi Paul. Would spinning the right shoulder open too soon also result in pulls? Would it be a good idea to be «patient» with the shoulders and start by turning the hips first?

  7. Good thought, but I think there is another thing going on here, at least for me, and that is I find myself trying to correct a pull by holding back my upper body instead of rotating it through the shot, which causes the arms to come around past me and pull it. It is not the same as coming over the top. This is also similar to sliding, and hitting the ball thin. If this makes sense, could you comment on it in a tip. I think Tom Watson once addressed this, in referring to how Corey Pavin used to do those outside in practice swings to make sure his upper body was rotating through the shot.

  8. Paul,

    This is very nice tip. Concise and easy to remember. Rings true with me. Most of my misdirection comes from pulls and pull-hooks. I’ll keep this fix in my mind.


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