Think Pace of Swing When You Play

By | on January 30, 2013 | 10 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

10 Responses to “Think Pace of Swing When You Play”

  1. January 30, 2013


    Great tip Paul. I’m notorious for having a nice practice swing that looks much better than the “real thing.” I’ve always attributed the difference to anxiety. Having that ball there and hoping for a good result creates all kinds of poor motions. At the end of last year’s season, I was giving in to some of your techniques and the results were very encouraging. My balance had improved considerably and the real swing was much closer to the practice ones. The golf swing seems to be like a lot of endeavors; less is more.

    Thanks, Ron

    • January 31, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      Glad you liked it. Thanks.

      Yes, less is definitely more. And it is usually the opposite to what you think. The problem most people have is that they never recognize when what they are doing is not working so they just keep doing it wrong. Doing the opposite or swinging way easier take understanding, effort and determination. Until you have these things it will never happen. Human nature is too strong. Overcome it and you will progress.

  2. January 30, 2013


    Dave Breslow recorded a tip similar to this one. Could not locate it right now, however, it talks about swinging at a high-pace, mid-pace, and low-prace to reinforce rythmn. Additionally, it helps in pace which is important in executing your short game technique.
    I am posting because some newer readers may not have seen this and might want to review his video.
    Final thought. An app for the iphone/ipad(it costs money) is all about rythmn. It is called Tour Tempo. Worth checking out.
    As always, appreciate your tips.

  3. January 31, 2013


    Hi Paul,
    I’m an avid fan of your Swing Machine Golf since first following you at another website RG.

    My question is a lttle off topic but, what are your thoughts on swing trainers that feature a large angled 8 ft hoop and roller to reinforce the correct back swing plane? I’m not advocating a sale but asking if it is time well spent if the equipment is available?


    • January 31, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      No golf swing is on a perfect 1 plane so they do not work if you are doing a full swing.

      Some people are making them where the club goes back on 1 plane and comes down on another. This would be okay.

      Also, if you are just going to use it for backswings that may work too but that would be a lot of money to spend.

      You could just do this drill:

      DRILL: Half back and up:

      And watch your swing in a mirror positioned off your right hip.

  4. February 10, 2013


    Hi Paul,

    I have been following your videos for 2 months or more and was steadily improving BUT I still have one big problem with 3 wood and driver i try to hit them too hard WHY i dont hit my irons hard
    Believe me I have tried to hit these woods easy but I rarely do it Why?
    Yesterday during a comp My driver was all over the place hooks, duck hook slice skyed totally depressing
    Please help.
    I cant get it into my head to swing easy with woods
    any drills I can do?

    Thanks Paul

    • February 11, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      You are hitting the longer clubs hard because you are trying to get distance.

      You need to change the thought to doing the swing positions or movement instead of thinking where the ball is going. Your goal is to repeat the exact same movement on the course as you are on the range. So go play by yourself. Hit a shot and hold the follow through. Check it. If it is wrong fix it by doing practice swings then try again.

      You are building a great swing right now. A great swing will hit great shots. Right now you care about hitting great shots. This is the wrong thought if you don’t have the swing. So play less. Play for fun not caring about your score (don’t even write it down). Hit and hold the positions. Do practice swings working on one or two things. Focus on replicating these things when you play. Once you can do them move on to another 1 or two things. Within no time you will be doing the right moves while playing.

  5. February 19, 2013


    thanks paul im getting there i only work now at ONE thing at a time at the minute its follow through thanks again

    • February 20, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      Perfect. Stick to that as well as your grip and setup. If you do you will hit it better than over.

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