Definitive Tip To Cure Pulls and Pull Hooks

By | on August 26, 2018 | 19 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

19 Responses to “Definitive Tip To Cure Pulls and Pull Hooks”

  1. This is an excellent reminder. As a very slightly better player (9 handicap leftie) my bad shots are almost always pulls. On a good day when my driving is fine I can still quite regularly pull my short irons 8 to wedge.

    I will try to discipline myself to stay behind the ball and I think you did a recent tip about keeping your head over your rear instep until you hit the ball which should also reinforce it.

    Thanks again.

    David Donaldson

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      August 27, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      Very good. You remembered that other tip. They go hand in hand. Just got to do it every day. Practice swings over and over.

  2. August 26, 2018


    Hi Paul,
    Is it a fact that longer clubs like the 4, 5, 6 and up promote more of an over the top than lower clubs?

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      August 27, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      It’s not the length of the club. It’s you trying to hit these clubs longer. The harder you hit, the more over the top you will come. Let the club do the work (ever heard that one?). This is what they are talking about.

  3. August 26, 2018


    Hi Paul,
    Thanks for the tip. Couldn’t figure out why the ball was going left. Big help.

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      August 27, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      Very good. Glad you liked it. I see so many people doing this when really it’s simple.

  4. August 26, 2018


    Great tip. I’m trying to imagine how many lessons I would need to get it though my head the cures that I get by being a member of Ignition Golf.

  5. August 26, 2018


    Great reminder Paul, I do suffer from this frequently when my body works faster than my brain. One problem I do often get when I try to manually tilt back is I tend to over do the tilt and this make me come through with a huge open face which results in a sever push resembling a shank. It happens mainly with the shorter clubs 8 to wedge and gets me into a lot for trouble. Any suggestions how to avoid this?
    Thanks, Andrew

  6. August 27, 2018


    Really works. Angle behind and touch your legs.

  7. August 28, 2018


    Hi Paul,

    Excellent tip – really need this one at present; have club championship this weekend.

    I was also thinking that I have a tendency to pull/ pull-hook when I am losing stability in my lower body, i.e ‘seeing the grass’ between my knees, causing the club to whip inside on the takeaway, but I also believe I am shifting forward.



  8. September 3, 2018


    I never heard of the “watch the dimple through impact” tip before. One of my recurring problems is lateral movement of the whole body. Being a baseball pitcher and playing a lot of softball, I always want to move toward the target, it feels powerful even though I know it leads to pushes and push fades. Can’t wait to try this to see if can keep me from the lateral movement.

  9. September 26, 2018


    I pull hook my driver and push my irons. I have video taped my swing and I definitely come from the inside and have enough tilt. It feels like my hands snaps shut with the driver. Have read you can pull and pull hook a driver by coming from too much from the inside which will cause your hands to snap close. This is what I think I do. I have tried keeping the face open which helps but not consistent. I never pull slice.

    • April 10, 2021


      I do this as well. Inside path but club closes. I think I must not be turning arms off enough. Not sure off the fix but would love to know!

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        April 14, 2021

        Paul Wilson

        If you are hooking the golf ball then you want to make sure that your grip is neutral first of all. A strong grip will shut the face and cause hooks. Start going slower, this will begin to turn the arms off when hitting shots. Start at a 50% effort. Then slowly build up power using your legs and hips not your hands and arms.

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