How To Warm Up Before Your Round Of Golf

By | on June 1, 2018 | 31 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

31 Responses to “How To Warm Up Before Your Round Of Golf”

  1. January 4, 2014



    What if you have plenty of time and want to PRACTICE before a round, instead of just warming up? In practice, isn’t it mostly about finding your swing and making good shots? Are you suggesting that you can’t practice before a round?

    Also, you say at the end of the video to perhaps go putt and chip a bit after the full swing warm-up. How do you do that in the same manner as just a warm-up? Shouldn’t we be doing 3 ft putts with the objective of making them and 20-30 ft putts with the objuective of getting them close enough to ensure a two-putt? Isn’t doing that creating expectations for the round?

    • January 5, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      I am saying if you are NOT practicing or DO NOT have time to practice warm up as I suggest. If you have tie to practice then practice properly.

      When you go to work on short game hit some chips and pitches to get the feel and confidence. Hit putts as I suggest. I highly doubt you are going to make that many long putts. Making short putts is part of the game which should be practiced constantly.

  2. January 4, 2014

    Steven D

    That’s a wonderful tip, Paul. I hope to be able to try it soon. I don’t know how I missed it before.

  3. January 4, 2014


    Hi Paul. This is a very valuable tip. I’ve suffered the high expectations syndrome many times after a surprisingly good pre- round session. It’s like leaving your game in the locker room. Failing, after hitting multiple good shots, THAT DIDN’T COUNT, is extremely frustrating. I guess what your saying is warm up for your round, but hit only enough low pressure shots to WARM UP, and not effect your anticipation.

    Thanks, Ron

    • January 5, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      Warm up means warm up. It does not mean hit great shots. If you don’t care where it goes you will have no expectations when you go to play.

  4. January 4, 2014


    moved from Canyon Gate to Bear’s Best this year
    Happy New Year
    Joe K

  5. What a sound and commun sense video lesson .it all boils down to THE fact ,as I have said before ,that “beating BALLS ” on THE range is useless and a waste of Time .Playing on THE golf course and hitting BALLS on THE range are two diff

    • January 5, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      Beating balls is a waste of time. Working on swing positions is not. I like this way of warming up. Works great. If you have time to practice you should be practicing.

  6. Avatar photo

    September 26, 2014


    Paul, this is again a very logical and easy to understand tip. I will make it part of my tool bag for the limited practice time I have.

    • September 27, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      I love this tip. Hitting it great on the range is a recipe for disaster when you play. Just warm up. Don’t even watch the ball.

  7. July 16, 2016


    Hi Paul, I’ve been doing much better since I’ve been working on your methods. However, my mind seems to wander sometimes, even in the middle of a swing, and you can imagine the results. My latest adjustment is to try to synchronize my breath with my movement as I’m sitting and bending over the ball a few seconds before I start my swing, feeling rather than thinking. I wonder if you have any recommendations with regard to breath and motion in a pre-shot ritual?

    • Don,

      Glad you are improving. You should have crystal clear focus on what you should be doing.

      You go through your set up routine. Then as you are ready to swing you are thinking coil then hinge as you near the top. You the switch the though to your downswing trigger. As your lower body uncoils your upper follows. Arms are relaxed and you swing through to the follow through. You hold and check the follow through making sure its perfect. If not, you do at least 2-3 practice swings making it perfect before your next shot. There really should be no confusion. You are always working on the 4 positions until you can do them without thinking about them.

      I would just be taking a few deep breathes then pulling the trigger.

      You may also need to work on a set up routine:

      Set Up With the Back Hand:

      Learning the Setup Routine:

      This may help you pull the trigger:

      How to Pull The Trigger:

  8. Paul,

    Sounds like great advice. I played a round of 9 today. Got to the course an hour before my tee time to “warm up” but was actually practicing and did well so I did have high expectations. I will follow your suggestion about hitting balls to warm up but not being concerned about direction and see if my round improves.



    • John,

      Great. Give this a try. If you are at the range working on your swing and someone suggests going to play this is a different story. You have to go with what you have got but if you are working on your swing positions I wouldn’t expect perfect shots anyway so your expectations would be fairly low anyway.

  9. Paul you gave me this tip last March just before I played in the final round of my Club’s Partners Match Play Championship. To my surprise it worked just like you said it would. My partner and I won that day. The match went all the way to the 18th hole. I was striking the ball well, but our competition was red hot to begin with. This is just another of your teaching tips that really worked for me. With one hole to play my partner and I were one up. My approach shot was on the green, but rolled into a green side bunker. I ended paring the hole and matched the other teams par for the victory. Thanks you for all you simple down to earth tips. I am a big believer in KISS – keep it simple stupid.

    I am looking forward to our playing lesson on Monday and a follow up lesson on Tuesday morning.

    • Peter,

      That’s great. I love hearing it. Just remember this especially when you have an important round like you had.

      Pete is ready for you. We have a big junior tournament at the course this week so you’ll just have to work around it. I will also be out there so I’ll say hi once I get there.

  10. July 16, 2016


    GREETINGS COACH I think I am close to jumping up a level or two in my game because I usually start out playing really well,two ,three,four holes,then the computer shuts of for one,two sometimes three holes. Then it will come back on and I say “OK, I GUESS I WON’T QUIT JUST YET”. What a game. Thanks Coach

    • John,

      Just stay focused. I would be doing 2-3 practice swings with clear thoughts before every shot. Do them precisely and have clear focus on what you are trying to do when you step up to the ball. Also, keep the expectations low and stay relaxed. Let us know once you break through.

  11. July 16, 2016


    i did this today in a four man twilight scramble and was electric. We used 75% of my shots

    • Jason,

      That’s great. I love hearing it. Whenever you play, you need to blow off bad shots. We can’t get too down on ourselves because this adds even more pressure. Just remember this way to warm up into the future.

  12. July 16, 2016


    COACH when I said computer I mean my mental computer

  13. Have done a warmup prior to playing that was like a pro, almost perfect. I was so positive that I was going to screw up my drive on the first hole and be upset, I just decided to go home and chill out. Saved $35 and was happy with my driving range experience.

    • Doug,

      Might have been a good choice. Your round might have been disastrous which would have blown the positive you just achieved. Sounds like the practice is coming nicely. Keep at it.

  14. Paul, good tip, as usual…..But I have a question: I get the part about not having high expectations but shouldn’t we be hitting balls before a round with the “positions” in mind, first and foremost????? Aren’t the positions what we’re really working on in our round of golf? Just need you to clarify our priorities here——-As I said, I totally get lowering our expectations before a round, but I’m thinking primarily about the various positions in my golf swing and as you’ve said, not worried where the balls go….Thanks…….

  15. June 1, 2018



    I’ve been warming up this way for a couple years now. Is so funny when someone notices I am not ‘caring’ about the shots… I do mention to them it doesn’t matter how good I am on the range. 😉

    My on course results have been improvIng…


    • Kim,

      Very good. Everyone has experienced this. There has to be a reason you practice well and play poorly. Well, once you do it my way you warm up and play well.

  16. I’m lucky enough to have a full golf simulator in my garage. I’m going to try this warm up process with the equipment turned off. That way I can’t see the ball flight anyway so it should help to ‘not care’ where the ball goes. I hope this is just as (or more) effective as doing this at the range.

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