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Gradually Build It Up
Paul Wilson
on November 4, 2018
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
14 Responses to “Gradually Build It Up”
November 4, 2018
richardpeyserPaul, this is a good drill. One problem I am having even with swinging ease is that the club grip moves at the top when starting down. The trail hand is the problem. I use your tip to hold the club grip stead using a tee, but the club grip still moves in the right or trail hand grip and causes the club head to open or close due the movement. How can I solve this problem, I am using the grips that you recommend with the thumb and index finger next to each other for each hand, start out with about 2 and increase the pressure at the top, but still get movement which causes uncertainty and then a bad hit due to movement. thanks, it is the trail hand that I need to improve on. Richard
November 6, 2018
Paul WilsonRichard,
Your wrists are too tight so it has to give somewhere so you let go. You need to hold on as tight as you can and work the club back and forth to loosen the wrists. This takes time and effort. Just work it back and forth as much as you can without letting go. Everyone wants to do the maximum without being good at it. So start less. Get it then try to hinge more without letting go.
November 4, 2018
RaymondCHASTELJULIUS BOROS ‘s motto was “SWING EASY ,HIT HARD “. Swinging easy doesn’t mean you don’t hit the ball with a feather You see that in today’s top pro’s swings :JUSTIN RDSE is a good example to follow (Just won the TURKISH OPEN ,as well as XANDER SHAUBELE (Just won the HSBC championship in SHANGHAI )
JULIUS BOROS was a great champion from 1952 to 1979:his swing was filmed ,it’s a model of effortless smoothness .
November 6, 2018
Paul WilsonRaymond,
That is a good line. I like it. The power comes from the legs and hips driving which turns the body. This gives the appearance of an easy swing. I am putting a lot of energy into using my legs and hips.
November 6, 2018
JimBenjaminIn my experience practicing “easy” is the best thing you can do. I was doing ok at the range but some shots weren’t as good and what I was doing felt a little labored. I decided to really slow things down, almost to the point my knee move was just a little, it just felt minor. I was amazed at how much power, in the swing, that move produced. I started hitting the ball farther than what I thought was good earlier.
Paul…. what about shaft flex? A year ago or more I switched from regular to a senior shaft. I have the adjustable shafts so switching is easy. After working with the swing a while should I try the regular shaft again?
November 7, 2018
Paul WilsonJim,
I keep telling everyone this. There are 5 reasons you will hit it as long if not longer if you slow down.
Why Swinging Easier Hits It Farther:
You can certainly try it. This is where a professional clubfitter and trackman come in. Keep working on the swing then get fitted.
November 7, 2018
FionaWhittockHi Paul. I’m having terrible problems with my golf right now. I think I’m coming over the top and casting. I’ve tried endless drills, feels great when doing my practice swing but as soon as I address the ball I just get the yips. I’m hitting them all over the ground, some left, some right, some straight but just can’t get the ball in the air. I’m a 16 handicapper and feel like a complete beginner. Can you recommend some ‘back to basic’ drills please to try to regain my confidence? Many thanks.
November 8, 2018
Paul WilsonFiona,
So if you are doing it in a practice swing but not with the ball you are hitting with arms. I see this all of the time. So hitting is you trying to hit your best shot hard with the arms not the legs and bips. Why not slow down and at least do it right? Then once you are good at doing the positions, and taking your arms out of it, you speed it up with the legs and hips for more power. At some point you need to switch the power source otherwise you will never stop hitting.
topping = arms – the harder you hit, the more you will look to see what you hit
pulls = arms – this is tilting you left in the downswing
right = face open tight wrists / arms
So yo know and work on the positions daily. I would be doing them in a mirror and build a great swing. Grip, setup, follow through first. Then you coil and hinge into the backswing.
As you coil you watch the back of the ball then keep watching it as you hit the ball. You cannot see the back of the ball if you lean left. This will get the path swinging out at it and you will get rid of the pull. You reduce the number of balls you are hitting and do way more practice swings.
Watch Back of The Golf Ball:
Another Way To Stay Behind It:
Pull 2 (expanding on it):
Body Tilt – Left Right: Coming Over the Top:
DRILL: Stop Coming Over The Top:
2 Things Flatten the Plane:
See The Plane Flatten:
Then you need to do this drill nightly to get good at using your legs and hips:
Listen to Club Swinging:
So get good at using the legs. Choose a downswing trigger and tilt back as you hit the ball. Stop hitting hard. Get it. Then get more distance with leg drive.
November 8, 2018
KimberlyHagenbachGood advice in this tip. I am still struggling with bending my elbow too much when I try to extend my arms more and cock my wrists instead. Hopefully you can help me with this when I come out for my lesson on December 8. In the meantime, do you have any advice on how I can correct this bad habit that I cannot feel myself doing during the swing? I can only see that I am still bending my elbow instead of cocking my wrists when someone videos my swing. So disappointing and frustrating to see this over and over. But I am playing better overall having worked with your videos for about 6 months now. Thank you! Also, could you please respond to the email I sent you on October 29 about referring a friend for a yearly membership? Thanks and I look forward to our lesson next month and any advice you can give me in the meantime.
November 8, 2018
Paul WilsonKimberly,
Glad you liked it. Thanks.
Extending the arm takes effort. You need to force it out then hinge. This will get you feeling arms as you learn it. You can also think you are trying to keep the club away from you. If you bend the arm it the shaft will get close to you. So keep it away.
Here is how to hinge:
3 Ways to Set The Top of the Backswing:
Why Hinge The Wrists At The Top?:
Left Arm at Top:
Extended But Not Locked:
Give this a try and I will get you there once you are here. I have another way but I have to do it.
November 8, 2018
Steve WeberGreat and timely tip! I had four great ball striking rounds in a row. So I thought I “had it”. Then I tried to speed up to top speed with my hips and immediately arms got involved again. So I will take this to heart and slow down and work my way up. Thanks Paul!
November 8, 2018
Paul WilsonSteve,
Never say you have it. Every hear Tiger say he had his A game even when he was beating people by 10 shots. Never.
Speeding up is fine but I would have keep going at the level you were at and let confidence get me more power. Confidence breeds distance. Also, for more power it is way looser wrists and turn faster. If you want to work on it do this drill nightly for 1 month:
Ear To Ear:
November 10, 2018
I have had issues turning my hips properly. I would focus on turning the right knee towards the left leg but the left hip would not turn and I would flip. On my flight back from Maui a few weeks ago I was reading a golf book on my tablet and found a good concept. Focus on keeping the club face on a big circle. If you take a swing doing that your body will turn back and thru completely. It’s a matter of focus. I took that focus and applied it to turning my belt buckle the same way and it works! Essentially if you want to move to a position you focus on getting there and the mind moves the body to make it happen. I think this is a matter of focusing on the whole and not the little parts, if that makes sense.
November 11, 2018
Paul WilsonJim,
I already have a tip on this here:
Simple Drill To Help Release It And Widen Your Arc:
See The Circle: