How To Stop Coming Over the Top

By | on January 8, 2016 | 16 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

16 Responses to “How To Stop Coming Over the Top”

  1. April 24, 2015


    This is one of my more favorite tips. As a pretty decent golfer looking for a serious improvement, the description of the more gradual weight shift cured forever my tendency to pull. No doubt that the ‘weight shift’ I was applying was too abrupt and I kept pulling. Was frustrating until I watched this one. I think you should ‘reissue’ this tip for newer members who may not be incluned to ‘dig deep’ into the archives. ;). In any case, the consistency got a big help on the range today with this and I can’t wait to play my match on Sunday.

    • April 26, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      Very good. I have tons of pull and stay behind the ball tips. Also, people should be using the dashboard to find any of these swing flaws. I am trying to make the site very easy to navigate. The dashboard should solve this problem. Not sure if you are using it to its fullest. Glad you found it though.

  2. January 9, 2016


    Just like speedskating!
    How does this tip apply for short irons/wedges, when the initial weight is more on the left, but leaving coming over the top still possible.

    • January 11, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      Not sure what shots you are hitting with the weight on your forward foot. I am only hitting punch shots and chips. Chips it doesn’t matter as you are doing your putting stroke. Dropping the ball back your stance allows the club to hit the ball sooner in the arc counteracting the over the top swing.

  3. January 9, 2016


    Excellent reminder of rotation not lateral shift. I definitely added this one to my “to do list” on the Dashboard. I will be doing a video lesson with Pete, and I will be interested to see if I do a gradual weight shift.

    • January 11, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      Glad you liked it. That was a tip from years ago. Just found it and it complimented Thursday’s tip.

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    January 10, 2016


    I got your rotation over sliding idea at ‘hello’ in you earlier tips, videos, and book. Huge help for me. Results, to a large degree, were immediate. Bye bye slice -forever. This tip gives a very short and clear picture of the whole concept. Where the faux pas begin, and how to get away from them. Well done. This one should really help people. If I had to try and explain this to anybody, it would be like this. Keep up the fine work Paul.

    • January 11, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      Glad you got the concept and the tip.

      My club pro told me back when I was about 18 or 19 years old that I had the biggest slide he had ever seen in his career. I wish someone told me the touch the legs position back then. I would have fixed it in a few days. I took me all day every day for 2 months to fix it. It’s a turn and a shift but you don’t have to think about shifting as that happens on its own. So much easier thinking this way.

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    January 11, 2016


    Paul, at the moment of impact, is your left leg straight?

    • January 12, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      No it is bent but it is straightening. I am straightening it as soon as I start down but the downswing is only 1/4 of a second to impact. So if you start to straighten it from the top down it will still be bent at impact.

      Exactly How to Start the Downswing:

  6. January 17, 2016


    Hi Paul,
    Love this tip. I think it is critical for those of us that have been “coming over the top” for years. I have heard that expression literally dozens of times, but no one ever explained “over the top of what?” Now, for the first time, I know what it means and what they have been talking about.

    Thank you,

    • January 17, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      Glad you liked it. If you are coming over the top you really need to fix this asap. This will make the world of difference.

  7. November 18, 2017


    Great instruction for me. All of us are now in our eighties and still swinging the clubs
    but now scores are closer to 100 than 80! T_T

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      November 20, 2017

      Paul Wilson


      Glad you liked it. You need to switch the goal to the 80’s. It can be done. You don’t have to be strong to be loose. Loose wrists and turn your body. That is the golf swing in the most simple terms. Problem is, everyone wants to hit. If so, they case it on strength not how loose they are. This will never work. Stay focused. Do lots of practice swings at home and you will get it.

  8. Paul, I find some of the instructions contradictory. Here’s what I mean once I am at the top you emphasize separation bottom and the top and I get it however, if I do and start from the bottom and try to do it quickly I end up coming over the top. You also say the way to more distance is to turn faster and creating separation which makes it even worse. When I look at your instruction on how to stop coming over the top which is what happens to me when I try to go faster you have the size it is a slow gradual shift of the week which I understand. What I’m saying is that when I am practicing and do it slowly it works fine when I try to go faster I end up going over the top is this a common ball of the swing or is it just my lack of coordination

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