Extended But Not Locked

By | on March 5, 2014 | 6 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

6 Responses to “Extended But Not Locked”

  1. Hi Paul. The only problem with your advice about the lead arm is the tendency to collapse an overly relaxed arm at the top. I’ve had this bad habit of going past parallel, not because I’m so limber, but because collapsing my left arm allows it. That leads to very little separation between the club and my shoulder(s). There can be a fine line between relaxing the lead arm and allowing it to collapse at the top, at least for me. In my case, concentrating on keeping the left arm straight seems to shorten the swing and create more extension/ separation of the hands and club from the shoulders. Please comment on this relaxed lead arm versus extension contradiction.

    Thanks, Ron

  2. March 6, 2014


    this happened to me today, I think! Went to the range this morning. I am a beginner and progressing but got it in my head to get that arm straight , I couldn’t hit anything after a much better, morel relaxed session a few days ago.
    Tightening up the arm, locked my wrist coming down in the swing and the result was a mess.
    Towards the end, I finally in desperation decided to quit thinking about “straight arm and turn.” I relaxed my arms, my left one more bent on the backswing, and began to connect with the ball.
    Thanks for the tip, it reinforces what I experienced and am learning from it (hopefully).

    • Chris,

      Good to hear this. I knew there would be quite a few more people out there trying to keep the left arm too straight. Stay loose!

  3. Paul ,You couldn’t be More right ! It’s not that difficult to keep the left arm straight (Just look at your image in a mirror or Windows while swinging ):you have to have a strong left triceps which keeps the left arm straight ,yet RELAXED :if you train with the MIKE BAUMAN’s tubings (One or two or even three at a Time ) inthe “FLEXIBILITY “drill of his .you Will d

    • Raymond,

      Lots of pros bend there arm at the top yet everyone sees it as straight. I use a ruler to measure them. A lot are bent as you suggested. Some of the best too.

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