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Full Swing Top Down View
Paul Wilson
on July 26, 2015
Author Description

Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
20 Responses to “Full Swing Top Down View”
July 26, 2015
you have said in the past that you couldn’t increase the video quality a/c some people wouldn’t be able to view it online.Do I assume that some people wouldn’t be able to view the slo mo in Hi HD you just showed.If that’s not the case then why can’t you increase the video quality on the website(you havce said before that you have a HD camera
July 27, 2015
Paul WilsonTim,
I took their video shot in HD slow mo. Put it in my editing program and exported it. It is just the same as mine. They shot in HD. You can make the videos on the site look even better. Just hover over any video. They player will come up. On the right is says HD. Activate it and you will watch them crystal clear. I am not shooting in HD. I can’t be dealing with file size of a gig or more. It takes a while to upload and convert them now. Check out the player. They are crystal clear on my computer.
July 27, 2015
BruceJespersenLove the presentation and your narration, it makes for a phenomenal educational learning session.
This Video is perfect for teaching your swing philosophy good job.
July 27, 2015
Paul WilsonBruce,
Glad you liked it. Thanks. Cool view from up there.
July 27, 2015
JamesChapleauOutstanding presentation. Nice swing too.
July 27, 2015
Paul WilsonJames,
Thanks. Glad you liked it.
July 27, 2015
tedvernonBeautiful presentation. Still working on head staying behind the ball. I think being right eye dominate may have something to do with it, as I have a tendency to look for the ball early and not naturally as you do. Thanks for the presentation.
July 27, 2015
Paul WilsonTed,
I am right eye dominant. Just keep it back there. Get it then work on turning otherwise you will hang back too much.
July 28, 2015
DanCharpentierWow!….loved that,,,, I thought that really explains a lot in cool detail about your key positions, I would love to have that done on my swing to show what I need to work on,,,,
July 29, 2015
Paul WilsonDan,
Glad you like it. Thanks.
You can do it to your swing. Just rent a $350k phantom camera and get a cherry picker. Simple. I have jib and did my own shots (not in HD). Maybe I will shoot a student from above to compare. That would be cool.
July 28, 2015
TomWhiteThank you for the great video. Single picture is definitely worth a thousand words.
One general question is what to do about this “negative” feeling and resulting hook which I experience. On the downswing With the turning of the hips and the shoulders which follow (with powerless arms of course),I sometimes feel as if the right shoulder moves forward (towards the front of the downswing plane)and then moves left of the downswing plane during impact. When coupled with the release the result is the disastrous “double cross”.
Have been working on the extension or “y” in connection with the release in an attempt to remedy the situation but still feel the right shoulder on occasion coming out the downswing plane and proceeding left on a more horizontal plane. I believe this results in a closed face at impact with the right shoulder spinning horizontally towards my left toe. Not good. The feeling is a “strong and powerful” move at impact but the results unacceptable.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
July 29, 2015
Paul WilsonTom,
This is you starting the arms first in the downswing. As much as you think they are powerless they are not. Realize the tilt of your body determines the path. Tilt left and you will start it left. Tilt right and you will start it on plane. Tilt too much right (slide) and you will blow it right.
I would think if you are hooking it (spinning it left) more than 15 yards with driver and you are not trying to hook it you have a grip problem.
Hooking: https://ignitiongolf.com/cure-hooking
Then you need to keep working on firing the lower while tilting behind the ball in the downswing. You saw my head in the video. It stats behind it in the downswing. I guarantee your head moves forward first and it is not behind as much as mine in the downswing.
Also, think about when you hit this shot. I would think its when you are trying to give it just that little bit extra. If you find that this always occurs in these situations then stop giving it that little bit extra. Focus on hitting fairways and greens. That’s it.
Body Tilt – Left Right: https://ignitiongolf.com/cure-pulling/
Pull: https://ignitiongolf.com/cure-pulled-shot
Pull 2 (expanding on it): https://ignitiongolf.com/cure-pulling/
Stop Coming Over the Top: https://ignitiongolf.com/cure-stop-over-the-top/
Remembering How Cure Pulled Shots: https://ignitiongolf.com/remembering-cure-pulled-shots/
Body Tilt – Left Right: https://ignitiongolf.com/cure-pulling/
July 30, 2015
Excellent video.I noticed that at the top of your back swing in the slow motion video that your shoulders had quick turning, but the club shaft continues to the horizontal position. Is this a result of completing the hinge in the backswing.
Great demonstration of how the hips start the downswing!
July 31, 2015
Paul WilsonRoy,
Glad you liked it.
That was probably the momentum of the club swinging back. Last thing to stop. Last thing to start moving the other way.
August 9, 2015
KenPerezPaul, one observation: you are actually sliding your right foot from setup position to the left as a result of hip turn in downswing. This slid of right foot stops after the right thigh ends up touching the inside of your left thigh. My question: Is it ok to have the right foot not slide but finish in just the toe position from address position and therefore not touch the right thigh to the left thigh?
Later, Ken
September 17, 2015
Do you purposely try to restrict your shoulders in the downswing to get separation or try to move your hips faster. It seems I have a tendency to spin my shoulders open along with my hips causing opening of club face and a shot way right. Regards, Mike
September 17, 2015
Paul WilsonMike,
No, I fire my hips hard and fast to get them ahead of my upper body. Spinning your shoulders is you shifting the weight too soon to the forward foot as you start down. I am not doing this. When I fire my hips my whole body tilts behind the ball creating the path from the inside. So you need to work on this. You can do so here:
Impact Head Behind Ball: https://ignitiongolf.com/impact-head/
Cures – Manually Tilt To Stop Pulling: https://ignitiongolf.com/manually-tilt-cure-pull/
Pro Versus Am – Head Behind Ball: https://ignitiongolf.com/pro-vs-amateur-head-behind-ball/
Stop Fat Shots When Working On Moving Your Head: https://ignitiongolf.com/fat-shots-moving-your-head/
You need to be doing these drills nightly.
DRILL: Swing Off Ground: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-swing-off-ground
DRILL: My Favorite Drill – Variation 2: https://ignitiongolf.com/favorite-drill-variation-2/
DRILL: Swing Off Ground Variation: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-variation-favorite-drill/
DRILL: Listen to Club Swinging: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-listen-to-club
DRILL: How To Really Increase Power: https://ignitiongolf.com/how-to-really-increase-power/
Driving Hips Harder But Hook It First: https://ignitiongolf.com/driving-hips-hook-first/
DRILL: How To Get Faster Hip Rotation: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-faster-hip-rotation/
October 27, 2015
I shouldn’t be bothering you anymore. I think I’ve learned how to use your videos?
Just watched A-B on Dashboard, Best teaching video I have ever come across!
October 28, 2015
Paul WilsonWalt,
Glad you liked it. There are so many tips that can help your game. Just be careful not to be working on too many things. I know you’re excited but take it one step at a time. Focus on the grip, set up and follow through. Trust me that alone will make you a start (especially because you were a better player not too long ago).
December 30, 2016
Are There any similar videos in slow motion from the front ? I am still having some problems to understand about you are holding the arms as the swingarm in Iron Byron or about you let them fling around your hips and body.