Tell Yourself You Are Unlocking Your Wrists

By | on October 18, 2016 | 17 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

17 Responses to “Tell Yourself You Are Unlocking Your Wrists”

  1. Hi Paul. U been following you technique for a while now but I still haven’t got it quite right. But I’m getting there.
    My question is this:
    I’m 74 years old (not complaining), both Hips replace and left shoulder replaced.

    I am not getting much distance and it is still slicing. based on your tip today it appears that I need to unlock my wrists.
    Can that be done with a 74 yr old?
    Is there any other special things I should be doing?

    Thanks for everything. Keep up the good work.

    Clark B Fowler jr.

  2. October 18, 2016


    GREETINGS COACH In my swing, full to pitches I don’t think about the feeling of my wrists hinging and unhinging at the bottom of my swing ,I think it will happen because I get to the touch the legs position. Do you think about feeling your wrists hinge at the bottom of the swing or just know they will. I don’t do touch the legs on pitches of course but I still don’t think about the hinge .Should I ? Still learning ,thanks COACH

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      October 19, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      No. I am just letting the club go wherever it wants to go. With loose wrists it rehinges on its own.

      If you are hitting great shots with the thought of nothing in your arms then please keep doing it. I hit the shot with my hips not my arms. I think you get it.

  3. October 19, 2016


    Excellent Drill to teach the wrists to be loose ,Paul .But it’s merely a drill though indispensable to ingrain a good golf swing.In reality ,in my opinion ,there are two hinges ,the right wrist and the left wrist .The right wrist is more “oily ” (Term used by SAM SNEAD ) than the left wrist which must somewhat “resist” the rolling over to keep the ball flying straight out of the golf club face .If you use the contraption called the “GREG NORMAN SECRET ,the wrists don’t really roll over.

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      October 19, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      I am seeing your wrists as a hinge. They are loose. I don’t want any strength or resistance in your wrists. The secret is crap. This angle occurs because the widest point of the arc is not at impact. It is beyond impact so of course there would be an angle in the right wrist as you hit the ball.

      Back Wrist at Impact:

  4. Avatar photo

    October 19, 2016


    I am unlocking my wrists
    I am unlocking my wrists
    I am unlocking my…

    This is my new mantra!


  5. October 20, 2016


    Another great drill for rolling the wrists. During a practice full swing as I increase my speed through rotation at what position in the swing do you hear the swoosh? I can make it occur as the club approaches the back foot ( that would be before the ball) or after the ball at full extension.

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      October 20, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      I am gearing it just after I would hit the ball. If you lag the club you will hear it after.

  6. Avatar photo

    October 21, 2016


    Paul, I believe that Ben Hogan referred to this as supination and pronation. My question is this, Ben says mainly that the left wrist turned over and the right one followed. Or do both of your wrists flick at the same time. I’ve been trying to snap my left wrist around. What’s your opinion? By the way, I’m not far behind in age as Clark.

  7. September 1, 2017



    I get good distance with my 6 thru pitching wedge and good height. How3ver, I feel a stinging sensation in my hands and really feelingb of hitting the sweetspot. Why does this happen? Is the release wrong?


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      September 3, 2017

      Paul Wilson


      Not sure. Never heard this before. Are they thin shots? I feel nothing in my hands. The club swings wherever it wants. In no way am I hitting or helping. A pure shot would never sting. You don’t even feel it leave the face so I would think you are not making proper contact. First, you need to check your grip. See 2 knuckles of the top and the V of the bottom. Make sure this is perfect. Then make sure the wrists are very loose as you hit the ball. Like I said, I really need to know if this is a thin shot.

  8. Hi Paul
    For a right-handed swinger, would the right wrist bent or hinged at the top of the banckswing? Thanks

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