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DRILL: Listen To The Club For An Unmistakable Feeling
Paul Wilson
on July 5, 2013
Tags: drillsLegs Drill Golf SwingLower Body Golf Swing
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
18 Responses to “DRILL: Listen To The Club For An Unmistakable Feeling”
July 3, 2013
RaymondCHASTELA good way to practise this drill is to swing with THE MOMENTUS SPEED WHOOSH or THE ORANGE SWING TRAINER.
You’ll Hear THE clubhead swish !
July 3, 2013
Paul WilsonRaymond,
They are good to use if you are using the body to make it whoosh. Most people who use these use their arms to get this sound. This is the wrong thing to be doing.
July 6, 2013
RobertMichelettiLoved this drill, I need help with trying to hit a power fade shot, I need help with are booth feet turned to the left and do you turn the club head also? Thank you in advance
July 7, 2013
Paul WilsonRobert,
Here you go:
Should You Hit a Draw or a Fade?:
July 6, 2013
JohnHugoPaul hope you are well. Still having issues in my back swing.
Paul is the back motion.. Literally a turn of the body.
I still can’t get the feeling of Coil.
Regards and thanks.
July 7, 2013
Paul WilsonJohn,
Everything is good. Summer is hear and lessons are no dying off.
In the backswing you are turning your shoulders while resisting the lower body rotation. The shoulders move the most so you need to be thinking of moving them. In doing so, they will pull the hips and knees into the correct position as you go back. You need to make sure the head is moving and weight is loading 80% into the right instep as you hit the top of the backswing. Hopefully, this happens on its own but I need you to make sure you are checking it.
Once the lead arm gets to 3/4 back you are hinging the wrists. In doing so, the lead arm should be riding up the left pec a little so it ends up slightly above the shoulder line at the top. Once tightly coiled you then uncoil the lower body the other way.
I am not sure how to get you this feeling other than I have explained in many tips. Do the helicopter drill a few times:
DRILL: Helicopter:
Then do this:
Turn Back on the Right Angle:
Then start doing this:
DRILL: Start High Then Gradually Lower:
If you are still having trouble you may want to consider doing a video golf lesson with us so we can check it. You can find out more information here:
July 6, 2013
RaymondCHASTELTwo years ago ,former tour Pro BRANDEL CHAMBLEE ” invented ” THE SYNCHRONISER .
This training aid had n
July 7, 2013
Paul WilsonRaymond,
Yes, that thing is junk. Why do people insist on giving people band aids to fix their golf swing. This thing is not going to fix anything in anyone’s swing.
July 6, 2013
Earl GGissingI really benefit from your daily tips. I am pleased with my improvement.
Your method of teaching is so clear. It all comes together.
I wish I would have known your system many years ago.
Look forward to your lessons.
Earl Gissing
July 7, 2013
Paul WilsonEarl,
Glad you like the tips. I appreciate the feedback. I wish I would have known what I teach when I was 12. I guess if I did I would not be writing this because I would be the #1 player in the world.
July 8, 2013
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,THE fast forward of your rotation in THE through swing is THE basis of your teaching .Do you rotate on your front leg ,is THE leg straight (not taught )or slightly bended at THE knee ?
Is THE rotation point your Heel or THE front part of THE foot .
In my case it seems to me that I rotate fastest when it’s on my Heel .
July 8, 2013
Paul WilsonRaymond,
The lead leg is locked at the 3/4 through point on the right arm is parallel to the ground. You started to straighten this leg as soon as you start down though. If you start from the top it will be locked at the 3/4 through point.
The forward foot is planted solidly through impact then rolling onto the outside of the heel after impact and into the follow through.
July 9, 2013
johnsonpaul1Hi Paul,
Do you think I should focus on making good contact with a slow swing before I really try to implement the fast rotation? My distance still isn’t good, so I’m tempted to go full boar with the hip turn. The only problem is I seem less consistent when I do this.
July 10, 2013
Paul WilsonPaul,
I think you should go slow until you have a half decent swing. Once you do go faster. What is the point going faster now? You are going to hit it everywhere.
Hopefully, you are doing lots of practice swings at home working on setting these positions. Just by getting the grip, setup and follow through you should be hitting the ball better than you ever have in your life. Focus on these positions only. Master them then go faster.
If you are still having trouble you may want to do a video golf lesson so we can check it for you. You can find out more info here:
July 10, 2013
johnsonpaul1That’s what I figured, Paul. Thanks for the insight. I’ll think about the lesson stuff. Right now I’m working on the plan and need to focus on that for awhile before I can determine if more instruction is necessary.
Best Regards,
July 11, 2013
Paul WilsonPaul,
You do what you need to do. I just hate for people to waste time or do it wrong. For the sake of a few bucks you can eliminate all guessing. I wish I had access to a service like this when I was learning. I would have saved years of frustration. Do what you need to do.
September 6, 2018
NormanKlineI am now feeling my swing in my right Lat. (I’m right handed )
I feel nothing in the arms. Would this indicate that I am using my body and not my arms? Also I hear the club swoosh past where the ball would be. I think that indicates that I am getting some lag. Is that correct?
September 6, 2018
Paul WilsonNorm,
I presume you are taking about the coil. It should be in the left lat or right hip. I have never hear of the right lat before. So check it again.
Nothing in the arms is good as you do this drill but not if you are working on perfectly the swing positions which I thought we talked about yesterday. As you work on the positions you are manually setting them over and over again until you know them. Once you have trained yourself to do them they will go there on there own when you turn your arms off.
So make the positions the bulk of your practice right now. You can also throw in a few off the ground swings to learn how to power the swing with the legs. Stay focused.
Swings at home working on precise positions. Some swings off of the ground listening to the swoosh.
At the course you are playing and working on pitching, bunkers, chipping and putting.
You are going to do this for at least the next month.
Then you are going to report back so we can see your progress.