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The Wrist Release From Different Angles
Paul Wilson
on September 29, 2017
Tags: ReleaseWrist ReleaseWrist Release Golf Downswing
Author Description

Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
41 Responses to “The Wrist Release From Different Angles”
October 10, 2012
PatrickFoxHi Paul
Would rotating the forearms on backswing promote rotation back to the point 2 feet past impact? Thanks
October 11, 2012
Paul WilsonPatrick, No. Rotating the forearms going back is going to open the face, cause over cupping at the top, and inside backswing, flat backswing, activate your hands and arms etc. All of these things are going to make it difficult to execute the proper downswing.
Follow this:
One Piece Takeaway: https://ignitiongolf.com/master-one-piece-takeaway
March 15, 2013
chrisrasmussenHi Paul, I am really practicing the loose wrists rotation. I do get more club-head speed for sure but my driver launch pattern is very very low. I am ok on the irons…..although my middle irons go pretty low too; Again, the contact is fine with good power.
Any ideas on how I can get more height on my tee-shots and middle irons??
Thanks a million,
Chris R
March 15, 2013
Paul WilsonChris,
Glad you are working on it.
I did tips on a higher ball flight here:
Hit Ball Higher: https://ignitiongolf.com/shot-hit-higher
March 16, 2013
RandyMillerPaul, I notice that your hands completely cover the butt end of the club. Is normal or is this just the way you hold your club. Most Pros’ grips are an inch or more down on the club grip. I myself grip the club about 1/2 inch down on the club. Can you give some tips on how to you the leverage bag. I have one but never used it.
March 17, 2013
Paul WilsonRandy,
I grip at the end of the club because I want to maximize the width of the arc. The more you grip down the shorter the club which means the arc is narrower. Sure, there are some pros who grip down a little but most are gripping at the end of the club. I would suggest you grip at the end but not off the end.
I did a tip on it here:
How Far Should You Grip Down On The Club?: https://ignitiongolf.com/grip-how-far-down/
March 16, 2013
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,Is the drill you demonstrate what BEN HOGAN called “Rolling the wrists ” and which he credits for giving more clubhead spead .
I explain .
At the top of the backswing my left wrist is “cupped “(Back of the left hand “looking ” at the left elbow )
.At the bottom of my swing the left wrist is ” bowed out ” ) (the palm of my left hand “looking “at the inside of my left elbow ..
There are a number of training aids to help you create a late release ,such as the SWINGRITE .
Do you have a specific drill of your own to enhance the lag and the late release ,which generate more clubhead speed ?
Doing it consciously is pretty difficult to acheive !
March 17, 2013
Paul WilsonRaymond,
This would be a similar drill. I never want you to think about bowing the forward wrist at impact. This bowing occurs because the club is not at the widest point of the arc at impact. This widest point is after impact which means the club is still descending which creates the bowing.
Here are the tips I’ve done on lag (remember that you can search for these past tips in the red nav bar on any page):
How to Feel Lag: https://ignitiongolf.com/downswing-lag-1
How To Feel Lag 2: https://ignitiongolf.com/lag-follow-up
Lag Drill: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-lag
Lag Drill 2: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-move-hips-hold-lag
Old But Good Lag Drill: https://ignitiongolf.com/old-good-lag-drill/
Lag And Release Drill: https://ignitiongolf.com/lag-release-drill
How Lag Affects Power: https://ignitiongolf.com/power-lag/
Holding Your Lag Angle Too Long?: https://ignitiongolf.com/hold-lag-too-long/
March 17, 2013
mikeplummerHi Paul, yesterday while looking though UTube I came across your 1st video with Peak Performance golf. In that video, you stated that if we would give it the effort, you would work tirelessly to help us improve. And I must thank you for living up to your promise. Unfortunately I didn’t live up to my part, and I apologize for that. I surfed the net, jumped at all the false promises of the quick fix and such. I stayed with RG because I had all your tips saved and I had purchased your series and did not want to lose them, but RG is so much a part of the problem with their different methods and instructors. I’m back and will do my part to improve with your method, which I feel is the one way to consistently have a repeatable golf swing. I hope all out there will also get the message, and work at all the “positions”, they really do work! I must also add the I did not utilize the other members of your site with the mental and physical tips, because I didn’t think them important. Another mistake on my part! So I’m back and your stuck with me.
Sorry to be so long winded, thanks again
March 17, 2013
Paul WilsonMike,
You are not alone. Over the years I have received tons of emails from people who thought another method would be better. Once they realize that this does not happen they come back. I just hope they figure this out sooner rather than later.
If you look at the swing positions I teach you can see them in all better players so I am not telling you to do something weird or something I have made up. I further re-enforce it with the Iron Byron which no one else does. The Iron Byron gives you proof of why you have to do these things. If you have proof it should be crystal clear what you need to do to develop a great swing.
Yes, this takes work. This can be done fast or slow. Slow is beating balls. Fast is doing lots of practice swings setting my swing positions. As you set them you look for the feedback to tell you if you are doing them right. So you just keep doing them over and over making them better and better until you have developed a great swing. A great swing hits great shots. If you are looking for great shots without the great swing it will fall apart.
I’m glad your back. Go through the positions again and find out what needs to be fixed (because you have probably gotten out of position). Focus on the feedback and you will be back to where you were in no time.
To get to a new level I would suggest doing Video Golf Lessons with my assistant Pete (I just cannot believe more people are not doing this). For the sake of a few bucks we can keep our eye on you and tell you exactly what you should be working on and how to work on it. Give it a thought. This way you will not get off track in the future.
March 17, 2013
mikeplummerThanks Paul, where do we find the way to set up with Pete? I agree with your method based on Iron Byron, unfortunately many of us think there is a quick new gadget or system that will save us the practice required to get a great swing and then great shots. I believe in your method and will be back on track soon! Let me know how to set up with Pete.
Thanks Mike
March 18, 2013
Paul WilsonMike,
Glad you’re back. I told Pete to contact you.
March 20, 2013
DarrelStutesmanHi Paul, i used my baseball bat to roll my wrists over in a level swing and it really gave me the feel of how to do it with a golf club. Yesterday on the range it really worked well with my golf clubs,
March 20, 2013
Paul WilsonDarrel,
That is a great way to get the feel for the wrists release. Keep doing it regularly so you don’t lose it.
March 20, 2014
Rick g.Hello Paul, logged in under Rick g. (that used to be Richard Gleason). Since I’m working on all but concentrating at the moment that seems to be my biggest weakness, which is shift/rotating correctly. I noticed from the above shots that your left heel when coming down moves quite a bit rearward as your upper left thigh moves forward and aroung. Is this from your trying to get that powerful rotational motion. It seems as if my left heel coming down moves from the inside to the outside of the heel. By planting it solidly there seems less rolling over. Thanks by the way for your input. It can be hard at times thinking your doing what your recommending without you actually seeing if indeed we are doing what you recommend.
March 20, 2014
Paul WilsonRick,
I was probably not practiced up when I shot that tip. I rarely hit balls anymore. The foot should be quite stable at impact. It should not be twisting. I was probably thinking about the release more than my feet because this tip was about releasing it.
I did another tip on it here:
Forward Foot: https://ignitiongolf.com/follow-through-forward-foot
The foot definitely should be rolling onto the outside edge of this foot although it is flat at impact.
March 21, 2014
PierreBourgeoisHi Paul,
First, I take the opportunity to say thank you because I came across your tips nearly a year ago, at a time when I really considered giving up golf. Too many years of frustration, inconsistent game and, worst of all, no idea of what could put me on track, and yet I had spent hours on the range and having lessons with various pros . At that point, the only conclusion that I could draw was that I wasn’t good enough. After working on some of your free tips, then on the short game training videos, “something” happened. Basically, it has much to do with one of the key elements of your method and it’s a good thing you keep stressing them in all of your videos : loose wrists, no action with the arms, “slow and easy swing” etc. I tried to focus on that for many months and, at last, I can see the results. Now I know why I could not hit a 5 iron from a tee on a par 3 : I got almost completely locked wrists and you know for sure what happens. Same with playing from the bunkers : I could not do it. Strangely enough, no pro had ever noticed that before, or I can’t remember them stressing the point, many of them focusing on my changing the grip.
Of course, if I told you that I don’t miss a shot now, you wouldn’t believe me, but the biggest reward I had was my first round ever under 100 4 months ago, which had always seemed beyond reach for me. There is still plenty of work in order to go from a “lucky day” to a more “usual” performance but knowing that I can do it, owing to your method was really worth the work. So, you’re doing a great stuff out there, pity I live across the Ocean, I would have loved to have a field training time with you.
March 21, 2014
Paul WilsonPierre,
Thank you for the kin words. I’m glad you stuck with it and are improving. Your story sounds so familiar. I went through the same thing for over 10 years. I got my swing back from seeing Iron Byron and relating it to my swing. The machine does not hit. Its arm only move when its motor (your legs) turns its driveshaft (your body). Once I understood it the whole swing became crystal clear. Now, my job it to get the tens of millions of people out there who are hitting to learn how to NOT hit.
Please keep at it. Do lots of practice swings working on my swing positions. It’s all about the movement. Perfect movement equals perfect shots. Doing swinging without the ball allows you to think about the movement. If you can think like this you should rapidly improve.
March 22, 2014
RichardLongPaul great great tip. Your drag point is almost at the instep of your left foot. Am I getting that right? I really tried to get this release started at the ball with my left wrist but yours us even further down the line.
Wow. Ill work on that. Thank you.
March 23, 2014
Paul WilsonRichard,
The hands should be at the right leg with the club still lagging. Then at impact the hands get to impact before the club has his the ball. This is because impact is not the widest point of the arc. The club is not fully release until about 2 feet after impact with irons and 3 feet after with woods. This is the point everyone should be concerned with. This is the widest point of the arc.
March 23, 2014
KennthBovaPaul, in watching this tip, I’m trying to break down your hinge. I see that your right wrist hinges more on the backswing and then the left wrist snaps over on the downswing. Please set me straight on this one. I wish I could have watched all your videos 13 yrs ago when I first took up golf. I now understand the swing more after watching all your videos. I was a pure arm swinger before. I’ve recommended you to many of my friends.
March 23, 2014
Paul WilsonKen,
It is a hinge. It hinges … it re-hinges. You are seeing your wrists as wrists. I am seeing them as a hinge. A hinge in life is loose. Tighten the hinge and it does not re-hinge properly. Focus on holding on yet keeping your wrists loose. Keep working the club back and forth until it is smooth. Then connect this to your body which is coiling and uncoiling. It is this simple.
DRILL: Grip Down Drill: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-grip-down/
DRILL: Grip Down Drill 2: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-feel-wrist-release/
Lag And Release Drill: https://ignitiongolf.com/lag-release-drill
July 26, 2014
HenryPattoncould you get pete to send me info on video lessons with him?
July 27, 2014
Paul WilsonHenry,
I have sent the message to Pete. We are going to be offering Skype lessons too in the very near future.
March 10, 2015
RaymondHare JrPaul,
The slow motion video is a great help in seeing and understanding the technique. On the downswing before contact is your right elbow in contact with your hip/side? Can you explain this position just before impact and what I should be feeling as the club head enters the striking area.
Many thanks,
March 10, 2015
Paul WilsonRay,
I am not really thinking of the right armpit nor have I ever worked on tucking it. This tucking should be occurring due to firing the lower body in the downswing. Most people come over the top so this elbow comes away from the side. If you find yours is flying it is okay to work on it but be careful not to exaggerate it. If you do you will get a slide in the downswing and hit pushes and push fades.
If you start the lower body first and create the tilt behind the ball as you hit the ball the elbow will tuck.
Here are a few tips that will help:
Right Elbow: https://ignitiongolf.com/downswing-right-elbow/
Flatten Plane 1: https://ignitiongolf.com/downswing-flatten-plane
Flatten Plane 2: https://ignitiongolf.com/downswing-flatten-plane-2
Cures – Manually Tilt To Stop Pulling: https://ignitiongolf.com/manually-tilt-cure-pull/
Where Should Your Head Be Throughout the Swing?: https://ignitiongolf.com/head-position-setup/
Stop Fat Shots When Working On Moving Your Head: https://ignitiongolf.com/fat-shots-moving-your-head/
Impact Head Behind Ball: https://ignitiongolf.com/impact-head/
July 1, 2015
RonaldGonzalezHi Paul.
This was an excellent tip like all your tips. I found that “release” today! It felt like hitting a home run in baseball where you have struck the ball on the “sweet spot” of the bat. And yes, it felt effortless.
I also used my swing radar to check on my progress. I have prosthetic shoulders, therefore your technique was the answer to my myriad of problems. I found that when I relaxed, I say again relaxed, and swung the club via your effortless swing, the club head was moving between 94-99. I’m 55 yrs olds; however, I understand torque, mass, centrifugal and centripetal force as a helicopter pilot and helo instructor.
It amazes me how good folks aren’t patient enough to learn your “effortless method”! It’s like anything else in life. If it’s easy, everyone would be doing it. In fact, at my local range yesterday, I watched one of the club “pros” literally holding a man’s head dead still throughout his swing! I felt bad when the young man topped the ball and was furious. Technique and the understanding of basic physics explain what you’re doing. It’s getting people to “LET GO” and “let it happen” which seems to be a major problem.
I now “hook” the ball at will and continually practice the full swing incorporating release, follow through and letting that metal thing at the end of the club do the work!
Thank you Paul!
July 1, 2015
Paul WilsonRon,
Glad you liked it. Thanks.
Now you know the feeling keep doing it. If you start topping, hit thin shots or slicing slow down and loosen up. These shots are telling you that you are starting to swing too hard.
You Will Top It: https://ignitiongolf.com/you-will-top-it/
Yes, it’s funny that people will not do it. I think the great majority of people want instant results in golf yet they would wait 2-3 years to be even half decent on a musical instrument. Glad you are seeing results and get the concept. Pretty simple really but simple is difficult due to human nature and wanting to hit.
July 2, 2015
This technique of yours is “as advertised” as far as the experiences one has when learning it “properly”. I did ALL of the things you’ve mentioned. I’ve even “flubbed” more than a few balls which rolled in front of the golfer next to me. It’s been quite a humbling experience and after about 1,000 balls, the “bulb” went on!
I probably wasn’t clear about the numerous tips I watched many times along with those balls hit. It’s human nature to just give up on something that’s not easy. Hovering a helicopter wasn’t easy at first either; however, once I learned how to do it, it was second nature. I told my flight students that one day they would “find the hover button”. Invariably to their surprise, it just happened.
All of these tips are very helpful, as is your patience! But at first there’s so much going through your mind, it seemed nothing was working. What helped me hit the ball “effortlessly” was after your short tip imploring your students to take a driver and hit it 50 yards or less! You said who cares!! That was the little piece I needed to just “let it happen”.
Thanks for your dedication and patience. Venerable people are getting harder to find these days.
July 2, 2015
Paul WilsonRon,
I’m glad you stuck with it. 1,000 attempts seems like a small price to pay. I was doing that per day back in the day and getting no where. No you just have to remember the feeling.
Keep up the good work.
July 3, 2015
I wasn’t very clear on my “1,000 balls” comment. I was stating that’s what it took me just to get “started” on that “feeling” of letting go. I was in no way trying to state I had done anything. I have total respect for what you’ve accomplished.
I’m a retired law enforcement vet and served six (6) years in our military. I wish I could hit a thousand balls a day; however, with prosthetic shoulders from on duty injuries, 150 or so was all I was able to do. Perhaps now with a “taste” of effortlessness, I’ll be able to do more.
We all “pay” for what we have in this life. You deemed my effort “seems like a small price to pay”. Rest assured “I’ve paid the price”!
July 6, 2015
IanCarolineHi Paul,
I notice that the angle of the hand and club relative to the forearm is the same at address and impact. In the early part of the video you show that when the club is thrown from the start of the downswing the club is parallel to the arms ie the reverse downward cocking is greater than at address .
I am throwing from the top and getting this straight line which is then maintained through impact . At some stage in the past I was taught to point my thumbs down toward the ball at impact and this is probably now ingrained.
On Pete,s advice I am not yet working on lag but notice that when I try to not to let the angle go beyond the initial set up angle the release feels totally different .
This is very long winded but the question is -should I try to do this ( seems not to be very hard and I can better stretch out in the follow through )or should I wait till I tackle lag . You may prefer to flick this on to Pete.
July 6, 2015
Paul WilsonIan,
Do what Pete is telling you to work on. You can also work on lag drills in practice swings only. Lag takes time so getting into the habit of doing and working on it will help you in the long run.
Do this drill:
Lag And Release Drill: https://ignitiongolf.com/lag-release-drill
September 29, 2017
MarkPtashneI noticed that your left wrist was bowed at impact, but you say not to “try” to do this. What do you think of the idea of bowing the left wrist at the start of the downswing? What do you think of the “Impact snap” device in this regard?
You say elsewhere that your arms must be extended at set-up and impact – correct? But the extended arm position is the first step in the “single-plane” swing – as I understand it – with very little hinging,unhinging..? Is the difference that you start with the body more upright?
Please have Pete contact me re video/skype lessons.
September 30, 2017
Paul WilsonMark,
In no way am I trying to do this. This occurs because the club is not yet at the release point where they are both stretched out. Every good player does this. If you try to manually do this you will be manipulating the face. If so you will hit it every where.
I just checked out their video. If you practice what that guy is doing with the device through and past impact like he is doing you will shoot a million. In no way would you be getting to the release point with this device. Instead you will be holding on to it way to long. This the thing about training aids. They don’t work.
Here is what you need to ask yourself whenever looking at getting a training aid. This is why I promote very few. Was this device around 30-50 years ago? No. Did better players have this position (of release it) in their swings back then. Yes. So they must have learned it somehow. What I am saying is with the right fundamentals you too will get this bowing in your swing without manipulating the wrist.
I say your arms would be extended at address and approx. 2 feet after impact with irons 3 feet after with woods. It moves forward due to the body tilting back in the downswing. In no way would both arms be fully extended at impact.
You need to watch these tips:
Why The Shaft Is Leaning At Impact: https://ignitiongolf.com/shaft-leaning-impact/
How To Work On Forward Shaft Lean And The Full Release: https://ignitiongolf.com/shaft-lean-full-release/
Back Wrist at Impact: https://ignitiongolf.com/impact-back-wrist/
Knuckles Down At Impact: https://ignitiongolf.com/knuckles-down-impact/
Then do this drill constantly:
Lag And Release Drill: https://ignitiongolf.com/lag-release-drill/
September 30, 2017
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,It’s a pleasure to see again this video lesson in full detail.As you say the more you leave the wrists loose ,the better the release.Obviously some of us have more supple wrists than others and can have a greater span of bending the “hinge “.
Would JEREMY show us a drill to augment the degree of bend of the hinge going back ?
September 30, 2017
Paul WilsonRaymond,
Glad you liked it. We will shoot more of my swing. This new camera is great.
I can put let Jeremy know about this for a tip.
December 6, 2017
RandMellorWow, the slow of shots are worth their weight in gold Paul…..Your verbal explanations are spot on as well, but the pics from the two different angles are perfect…..Thanks again so much for your sharing with us your invaluable golf insight!!!
December 7, 2017
Paul WilsonRand,
Glad you liked them. With the new camera we will re-shoot all angles in super slow mo high def. Can’t wait.
December 7, 2017
RandMellorExcellent, thanks soooooo much….The slow mo shots are critical to helping all of us get an accurate “mind picture” of what we’re supposed to be doing and when…..Thx again Paul for all of your hard work on our behalf!!!!!
December 10, 2017
Paul WilsonRand,
Thanks. I did reply to this tip a couple of days ago.