How Far Should You Grip Down On The Club

By | on June 10, 2012 | 8 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

8 Responses to “How Far Should You Grip Down On The Club”

  1. June 11, 2012


    Hi Paul
    Thanks for this tip – you really do cover everything. The best thing I ever did for my Golf game was attend your three day golf school. After attending your school in late March, I began to practice the things I learned while reinforcing them with your daily tips. I am now hitting the golf ball better than ever. The most fun part is that am not even trying that hard to hit it well. I just feel peaceful and calm over ever shot. My confidence has skyrocket and I played my best round ever yesterday. I didn’t beat my best score, but I played 18 solid holes of golf for the first time in my Life.
    I owe everything to you and I hope I can keep it up.
    Thanks a million.
    Mark K

    • Mark…that’s fantastic and I echo your same sentiments. If people would just follow Pauls advice (especially his full swing series) and PRACTICE their positions they’d be having just as much fun as you and I. I remember the days only a short year or two ago when I stood over a ball and prayed it would get airborne. If I was lucky I’d shoot 100-110. Two weeks ago I shot my best yet…an 82. Pauls teachings have literally made me fall in love with this great game.

      • June 11, 2012


        It’s so much fun when it starts to come together. Keep at it – well worth the effort.
        Mark K

        • Oh yeah. It becomes a totally different game in the 70’s. Then a totally different game when you to scratch. You’ll see.

      • Thanks Bryan. That’s great that you are still improving. Next stop, single digits.

    • Mark, I am trying to think of everything. i have a list of over 400 tips still to shoot. Then there is always me working with people too. Those may be interesting.

      Hitting hard is a killer. I am moving at it hard but this is with my legs not my arms. You are getting it.

      Keep up the good work.


  2. Very simple and practical tip!! Now I know why I was wearing out so many gloves in that exact spot!! Speaking of gloves Paul…I started playing without one recently because I just like feeling the grip & notice this helps me from gripping too tight. Is that okay because I know most pros use them. I did see Fred Couples playing w/out a glove alot. Thanks!!

    • That’s why I did the tip. I keep seeing so many people with gloves that are worn out on the heel. You can certainly play without one. I haven’t worn one since I was 16.

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