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Cure For A Bad Back While Golfing
Paul Wilson
on January 15, 2012
Tags: Back Back GolfingBack Problem Playing GolfCures
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
8 Responses to “Cure For A Bad Back While Golfing”
October 28, 2013
HansooKimHey Paul.
I’ve watched the video and it seems to talk about pain mostly in the lower back.
I’ve been developing a very very sharp pain in the upperbody/lower neck. Why is this happening?
It’s not so much a sore rather than a sharp, electrocution like pain. Last time this happened i had to give up golf for two weeks.
any suggestions? thanks.
October 28, 2013
Paul WilsonHansoo,
This never happens with my students. Maybe you are watching the ball too long after you hit it. Maybe you have your head cocked to one side too much. Maybe your arms are all locked up and you are just whacking at the ball. Maybe you slept wrong. Maybe you twisted wrong doing something else.
In the golf swing you hit the ball then turn your head to watch the ball. I don’t see how it could hurt doing this. Watch this tip and check your swing:
Spine Angle Follow Through:
Also, work on re-coil to relieve pressure on your body:
Learn How To Recoil:
How to Check Your Angle of Rotation at the 3/4 Through Point:
March 21, 2014
HansooKimhey paul,
is pain in the left shoulder blade area occur common?
usually starting at the downswing and when my club hits the ground, whether because i hit it fat or taking a divot, it gets a lot worse.
can it be brought on by not enough stretching before hand or is there something wrong with my swing?
March 21, 2014
Paul WilsonHansoo,
My swing should not hurt your body in any way. If you are in pain you are doing it wrong. I would think you are trying to coil back too far. You should be coiling back until you feel the tightness in the left lat area. Once you start to feel this stretch you uncoil the other way. If you crank the shoulders around too much I would think this would hurt.
Take a look at this and see if you are over coiling or not.
June 6, 2019
jeroenwolffHi Paul,
I have pain in my right lower back. I notice that after I start the downswing the left shoulder is pointing really up. 45 degrees almost. Seems to much to me. I was wondering If this can cause the pain and why I have a big angle.
When starting (in the stand) the swing there is a little angle and it does no increase in the backswing. I also do not have the idea that I slide
Thanks for your response
June 11, 2019
Paul WilsonJeroen,
If you have any pain you are doing it wrong. In no way does my swing hurt your body.
So you need to check your positioning. The shoulder up would by you sliding too much laterally which will most certainly hurt your back. You need to TURN not SHIFT to start down. Ending up with the left leg locked. This is my touch the legs position.
It’s Like A Throwing Motion:
It’s a Turn Not A Jump:
Lean On Club to Touch Legs:
You Better Check This Especially If You Slide:
Easy Way To Cure A Slide:
How I Cured My Slide:
Student Swing – Slide:
Snap Part 1 – Lower Body:
How Human Nature Affects The Forward Leg:
June 14, 2019
jeroenwolffThank you Paul,
I will work on this again. My shoulders are not turned enough and my right leg drops a little bit (laterally) In general the drils are going good but with to hands connected it seems an issue for me.
June 19, 2019
Paul WilsonJeroen,
Not sure exactly what you mean. Keep working on it and let me know if you still have issues. You should never have any pain playing golf. If you are in pain you are doing it wrong.