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What is Your Backswing Trigger?
Paul Wilson
on July 19, 2018
Tags: backswing coilgolf backswinggolf swing coilhow to coil golf swing
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
19 Responses to “What is Your Backswing Trigger?”
August 12, 2015
RonCalabreseHi Paul. I notice you do not have a forward press or similar initial trigger for your swing. Do you feel such a mechanism is unnecessary if you properly start the backswing by rotating the shoulders?
Thanks, Ron
August 13, 2015
Paul WilsonRon,
I bounce the club and kink my back knee. Once I do I am thinking of my lead shoulder. I am doing this to not start from a static position. I am okay with you doing either of these things. I just don’t like a forward press. People tend to press it too far forward de-lofting their clubs.
Stay in Motion:
August 12, 2015
BruceJespersenI get what you’re saying for the full backswing to turn your shoulders 90°. when you hinge first for your short pitch shots how far do you feel your turn before you say you are set and ready to to turn your hips to start the downswing. In other words for other lesser shots when do you know enough coil has taken place? Thanks again for the great lessens!
August 13, 2015
Paul WilsonBruce,
You are not even thinking coil. You are thinking hinge. If you are thinking coil you are not thinking hinge. So don’t worry about the coil. It will happen when you hinge.
August 12, 2015
RaymondCHASTELPaul,Backswing and Downswing are connected to leg work:left knee pointing back in backswing ,right knee pointing left in downswing .
These movements are ot apparent in YOUR own swing ,but are very pronounced with some players ,
JIM FURYK has an unothodox swing ( Inverted loop) but demonstrates a lot OF leg movement .Hé showed it brilliantly in the BRIDGESTONE INTERNATIONAL.
Do you disapprove leg work ?
August 13, 2015
Paul WilsonRaymond,
Leg work is important. I like them stable going back. Your shoulders move the move. Why would you move your legs going back other than them following the rotation fo the shoulders? If you move to much you have not torque. In the through swing I have taught numerous downswing triggers. All of which have you moving your legs and hips. This is one of my main concepts.
August 12, 2015
RobertEadieHi Paul does relaxed hands and arms help to pull upper body around. Robert
August 13, 2015
Paul WilsonRobert,
No. The are powerless. This means your body rotation is moving your arms. You are hinging due to the wrists being loose. When working on these things in the beginning you may be feeling the arms and working on certain positions. This is advisable as you master them. Once mastered, then you are focusing on coiling and uncoiling your body to hit the ball.
August 13, 2015
johnhoyleGreetings Coach Thanks for the reply In my back swing my left heal does not come off the ground but my knee moves slightly inward /In watching your back swing i can’t tell through your pants if your knee moves. It does not look like it moves.
August 13, 2015
Paul WilsonJohn,
The forward knee should be following the rotation of the shoulders. This means it will move behind the ball as you go back. I have tips on this here:
Left Knee Behind Ball:
Knee Position Going Back:
July 20, 2018
JohnSujatRelating to set up I often feel misaligned and my backswing trigger is replaced with shuffling my feet into a new Iposition that causes an even worse alignment. I use a reference point (i.e. blade of grass, tee marker , divot, etc as a point when lining up. Using your alignment video for set up (three balls) and going with it can I be assured that the ball with a proper swing will go in the desired direction. From a 9-13 handicap I have always struggled with alignment which causes my stance to be open or closed resulting in swing compensations. You help is requested.
July 20, 2018
Paul WilsonJohn,
Well it seems like you are fidgeting around too much. You need to put down the alignment stick every practice session and even a home put down some tape or use some kind of line.
You set your feet, you check your knees, hips and shoulders so they are square. Then you carefully and methodically either waggle or stay in motion then take the club back. It is about repetition perfect positioning no matter how bad it feels.
You can also do these checks when playing:
How To Get Perfect Alignment On the Course:
Alignment – Alternative Way To Check It:
July 20, 2018
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,Brilliant reminder of a basic move .My trigger is to “push ” (You say “krank”)the left shoulder forwards (and evidently backwards ) while keeeping the axis of the body very stable .
Have you a video lesson as to which eye should look at the ball?
July 20, 2018
Paul WilsonRaymond,
Glad you have the backswing trigger chosen.
Here is what I do when looking at the ball: What To Look At:
Check this one too: What I See As I Hit Shots:
November 21, 2018
MerrittDunlapHey Paul. Do you have a “thought sequence” when you swing the club?
I’ve been working on something like this:
Set up and grip correct
Loose arms – really loose!
“left shoulder” (trigger for backswing)
“thumbs to the ear”
“right big toe” (trigger for downswing)
“touch the legs”
“touch the head”
I’ve gone through a bunch of others and sometimes get too much going in my head. Even the above is sometimes too much in my head.
Just curious what you do or have found with your students. Maybe it just needs to be a super simple thought sequence or none at all. Guess it just depends.
Thanks for your thoughts on this.
November 22, 2018
Paul WilsonMerritt,
I love your sequence. That is perfect. Just keep doing it step by step. I am pretty much the same as what you are doing.
December 7, 2018
RaymondCHASTELMr MERRIT ,Your sequence is fine ,but it has to be ingrained in your body and in your mind so you don’t get boggled up with all these thougths.When I am at address ,I just think to where I want to send the ball
January 19, 2019
I’ve been trying to think these “swing thoughts” in my practice swing but then clear my mind, focus on the back of the ball and let the swing happen. Trying to unclutter the mind and keep it simple. (But not all that successfully.) So my question is this….
Do you actually think about your left shoulder as you take the club back, about pushing off your right foot as you start the downswing, etc. etc. when you’re playing? (as opposed to “at the range.”)
January 20, 2019
Paul WilsonBill,
Yes, I think about the left shoulder to start the backswing. Yes, I think about pushing from the right instep. I also think about just letting the club go wherever it want to go. In other words, I try to not hit or help the shot in any way with my hands and arms. That’s it.
So you work on the pieces. Make them perfect. Then focus on your body and let it go. This would be the ultimate goal.
The Ultimate Goal: