Swing Analysis – How We Cured “Over-the-Top” – Part 4

By | on May 2, 2023 | 12 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

12 Responses to “Swing Analysis – How We Cured “Over-the-Top” – Part 4”

  1. Avatar photo

    February 27, 2019


    What a huge difference in his swing! I enjoy these videos very much. I love to see other swings and analyze what’s going on. Very interesting. I imagine he was hitting his irons at least one club further than he was.

    • Glenn,

      We got on a nice roll and he was hitting it great. We moved up to the new driver and he was hitting it great then he went back to his driver and started hitting it too hard and lost it for a while. Arms are a killer. Anytime anyone loses it then need to immediately slow down to 50% and build it back up.

  2. February 27, 2019


    Hi Paul,

    Great tip! It appears that your right elbow drops down to your hip and then you fire the lower body with the right foot off the ground and knee move. Is it okay to use this swing thought to improve my timing as my error is often a push to the right, due to hips too far ahead of arms. It may also help me not to intiate the downswing with my arms and maintain the hinge/lag. It feels that I could consistently get my elbow to that position while keeping powerless arms.

  3. Paul,

    This is a great video. It will allow us to take videos of our swings and do the same type of comparative analysis you did on yours and look for other subtle aspects of the swing that we need to “tidy up” as you say. It also points out the value of doing down-the-line videos. I’ve been missing that aspect of analysis of my own swings.

    When warmer weather comes my way and I can get some good videos, I plan on taking you up on your offer to do an analysis of my swing.

    Thanks for incorporating this type of tip in your library.


    • Mike,

      Yes, videoing your swing is vital. I am really liking that Live View training aid. I will review it in the near future. Amazing for down the line work.

      Definitely, send in your swing. I will hack it apart real good … lol.

      • Paul,

        I would LOVE to have you hack my swing apart. As soon as the weather breaks I will get a front and down-the-line video into you. I would be honored to be featured in a tip.

        Do you use the Live View training camera? I hadn’t heard of it until you mentioned it here and I saw their website. Apparently it has now gone to market. I may get one. A much better investment than a new driver. It could be easily used at the range or even in the backyard doing practice swings. Hope you can get a review out soon.

        Thanks much!

        • Paul,

          Just a side comment. On the Live View website, they have a young pre-teen girl swinging with the system. She had an absolutely beautiful Paul Wilson, touch the legs, touch the head finish position. It just looked natural. Great stuff!


  4. Avatar photo

    March 2, 2019


    As you know, I am really “good“ at coming over the top.
    As you’ve told me, this is become my number one priority of fixing. I really have been working on it and taking videos down the line the past couple of months.
    The comparison between him and your swing has really help me with the elevation of my own swing as well.
    Great series!

    • Jon,

      Very good. Just stay focused on fixing this for the next while. As you do, you will take your game to a whole new level. You can do it.

  5. September 7, 2019


    Hey Paul,

    I’m going to miss being on the site greatly and look forward to getting a part time job which will allow me to get back on the course and back on the site. My hopes are to work at a retail store nearby and become a golf associate. I love the game and I love your technique and look forward to a opportunity where I can share your ideas and sites.
    This series has been up for sometime and I am slow in commenting but I just want to say that it “bugs” me some. Please tell me if I’m way off track.
    I got the perception that you really didn’t like the “fix” you had to use to correct him. While watching, starting in part 3 and then again in 4, I could hear your voice vocalizing other tips.
    The first thing I noticed was of course the hunch in his back which you immediately corrected. But to fix the over the top I kept hearing you say how we use the helicopter drill to coil. I feel even after the “fix” his shoulders were still just a bit vertical and I still feel like his arms were too “active”, even from the take away causing the club being outside the line.
    The second voice I heard from you was “load on the inside instep to heel” . In the training of my swing I can’t tell you how much the focus of where the pressure is loading on my right foot effects my swing. And in “firing my hips” my club immediately flattened.
    I still have a long way to go to be consistent and hate my bad shots. But how GREAT if feels when the good shots that are becoming much more frequent are hitting long and in the fairway or landing on the green!
    Thanks again , and I hope I’m not off track .
    Hoping that these thoughts were a couple of the 10 other ideas you came up with after.

    • Avatar photo

      September 17, 2019

      Paul Wilson


      I didn’t like it because I can usually get rid of the over the top by starting the lower body first. After trying everything I stumbled on this and it worked. Some people I work with a are tricky which causes me to dust off some of my old fixes to fix them. In this case we tried everything so I had to come up with something else. I finally got it so that is why I even did the tip. I will add this to my arsenal for future students (if I come across another that needs this one).

      Hope to see you back. Let us know and we will set you up.


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