Static Back

By | on June 19, 2024 | 6 Comments | Array


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6 Responses to “Static Back”

  1. August 8, 2018


    the “ High 5 and Twist” is exactly the kind of exercises I need. I am 72 years old. Along with other nicks and bruises, I’ve had both shoulders replaced. There are many things I can’t do if I want my shoulders to last. I am doings “gyrotronics”. I get stengh and flexibility though movement. I bet there are many people on this web site that have similar situations. Since you understand what we are trying to accomplish in our golf game I think a DVD with movements that produce strength and flexibility at the same time would be great for everyone. Your video that demonstrates adductor and abbductor is also a great one. I on the high 5 video and got no response.

    Norm Kline

    • Hi Norman,
      Sorry you didn’t get an earlier response. In regards to your shoulders in particular, please be careful of the High 5 and Twist, this exercise may be contraindicated by your surgeon due to the ‘swinging’ action of the kettlebell and inertia that will cause the artificial joint to want to separate. If you do the exercise, please modify it by using light weight and don’t let the weight create too much momentum during the change of direction and when it’s swinging around you. Keep nice control of the weight you use. As for the DVD request, Paul and I have been discussing such ideas. Stay tuned!
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

      • August 10, 2018


        Good call. I checked with my orthopedic surgeon . They said no to the high 5 Because I would be doing it a lot.


  2. Hi Jeremy

    Great tip that works!

    I do have a related question. After a round of golf, or having stood for a long time, once it’s over and I sit down (like in the car), I get a spasm on my right side, between the hip bone and the lowest rib. It disappears within an hour or two and reappears the next time after golf.

    In an earlier incident, a couple of years ago (I wrote to you about it and you replied), I had an issue in the thoracic part of the back, the MRI did find the cause, which eventually shrunk and I’m good there. 44 years ago I had the lower disk removed.

    My feeling is that there is something muscular going on in there, where a muscle is “solicited” in the golf movement, since I started using Paul Wilson’s system. I had a couple of Doctor check me and they said there was no issue that they could see.

    Have you encountered something like that? If yes, what would be an exercise to help that area?



    • Hi David,
      Very common. Golfers that play from the right side place a lot of stress on the right low back during the downswing and through phase of a golf swing. Studies show is quite higher in players with a reverse pivot or reverse spine angle. The muscle involved sounds like the quadratus lumborum. Please look up a few stretches for that to see if it helps. I found this one that I did for this site: Even though it says it’s for the hip many clients get relief in the low back with this sequence of stretches. Keep me in the loop.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  3. May 20, 2021


    This is helping with my upper back. Thanks. I also have diastasis recti which may contribute to my back soreness. Do you have any exercises for this condition?

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