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Stance Width Affects Your Swing
Paul Wilson
on May 4, 2014
Tags: balancegolf swing in balancestance balance golf swing
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
9 Responses to “Stance Width Affects Your Swing”
May 5, 2014
markcherupThanks for all the tips. I have question not relating to stance. What causes you not to hit your ball up in the air? A lot of my shots today would just roll on the ground, I would swing the club and look for the ball to go in the air, and the ball would instead be rolling on the ground. Thanks for your help,
May 6, 2014
Paul WilsonMark,
You are topping it. Topping is telling you that you are swinging way too hard. The harder you hit, the more you will look to see what you hit. This is human nature. Please follow these tips:
Topping Fairway Woods:
Break the Chain – Stop Topping:
Work on this position:
Spine Angle Follow Through:
May 6, 2014
markcherupThanks for your help.
May 5, 2014
JasonMeierHi Paul,
I am 6’5 and working on stance width. With my narrowest stance at shoulder width, my trailing (right knee) ends up past my left knee after my swing. Should I widen my stance or get used too the right knee being ahead. I am worried this may cause me to over rotate and cause a swing flaw
Thanks again for all the help.
May 6, 2014
Paul WilsonJason,
You should be narrowing the stance until you get the position. Once you get it widen the stance until your knees are even when you are finished not with the back leg ahead of the other one.
If you are not in the touch the legs position when do you ever get it? If you narrow you can get it. Once you get it then make it perfect with the wider stance. This should not take that long to master. Look at the positions. Master each one. Then you will be hitting great shots.
May 5, 2014
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,Through trial an error ,I came to the same outcome you d
May 6, 2014
Paul WilsonRaymond,
Why so?
1. Because I did not teach them.
2. They do not understand the importance of the follow through.
3. I want people to learn to do the exact same move every time without guessing. If they are always touching the person is always doing the exact same position.
4. they hit tons of balls everyday so even their bad moves work sometimes.
5. a lot of them are doing the position. I show people I teach pictures of about 10 of them that I found. I am sure there are more.
6. If you narrowed their stance would they too be touching. yes.
Gary Player walk through drill. This is a drill. Why not just roll up onto the tip of your toe? If you end up on the tip of your toe you did shift your weight.
May 6, 2014
KennethMoffatThe same positions apply to someone 6’6″? I have +1 irons and find myself bending at the waist a lot when I close my stance. It feels like I should bend my knees to lower myself to the ball, but I see your lead leg is quite straight.
May 6, 2014
Paul WilsonKen,
Yes, all positions apply to all people. I have never had a taller person not be able to do my setup. Most taller people bend over too much. You need to use your height to your advantage.
Sit On The Edge Of A Bar Stool To Set Up:
Taller Setup:
Not sure what you mean about lead leg quite straight. This would be in the follow through where everyone should be in this locked leg position regardless of height. The leg s locking because you are turning. It is not a jump.
Legs Touching:
Exactly How To Do Touch The Legs Position: