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Secure Grip Loose Wrists
Paul Wilson
on July 8, 2016
Tags: bothgolf backswinggolf grip backswingGrip
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
23 Responses to “Secure Grip Loose Wrists”
October 6, 2013
Steven DReally great tip, Paul. Golf is an art and art is all about balance. I’d only recently realized that I was tending to loosen my hands too much in the process of trying to get loose my wrists. Firm hands, free wrists!
October 8, 2013
Paul WilsonSteven,
Very good. This is very important so make sure you really work on it.
October 6, 2013
GerryCarriereHi Paul. Great tip and so true. I had a few weeks of thinking so much about turning off my arms, that I was also loosening my grip. I was all over the place As soon as I secured my grip, I felt my arms following my turn in unison and still, without using my arms to help the shot, and I started hitting well again. Thanks for this tip. I’ll be practicing with a tee in hand. Gerry
October 8, 2013
Paul WilsonGerry,
I thought there would be some people out there loosening up their hands. Glad we caught it.
October 7, 2013
DavidAndersonWow!! A month. Thousands of balls with that tee there. Amazing
October 8, 2013
Paul WilsonDavid,
I was a little crazy about practice in those days. Now, if I hit 10 buckets a year that would be a lot.
December 13, 2013
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,Is Th
December 13, 2013
Paul WilsonRaymond,
The hands will be balanced. Keep in mind you are in the fingers of the right so there is less hand even on the club with the right hand. Just think that they are on secure with the wrists loose. Whatever pressure that is for you that is the correct pressure.
September 3, 2014
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,We discussed this issue before :I Start m’y swing with a 1,5/2 grip pressure in both hands :sure they tighten up during THE swing ,but I don’t notice it .I crédit much of m’y improvement lately to LOOSE WRISTS – LOOSE FINGERS ” BOBBY JONES was said to “let go ” THE club at THE top of THE backswing on purpose ,ad was seen to re- grip THE left hand .Hé had THE sweetest swing Motion ever seen ,together with GEORGE KNUDSON later .
September 3, 2014
Paul WilsonRaymond,
I like it. Your wrists need to be loose enough to allow the club to fully hinge at the top.
June 15, 2015
I have always had a tendency to let go of the club at the top and also this contributed to an over-swing. Since working on your technique I have greatly reduced my over-swing, but still have issues hitting to hard with my arms. Today at the range I was working on the arm extension drill to get rid of my chicken wing. The ball was going everywhere and I could feel my hands slipping on the club. Most shots are pulls, but some trickled out to the right with the club face wide open. Trying to get the powerless arms is a real struggle for me, and I have concentrated totally on relaxing my arms and wrists during all my practices.
Finally today after all of this frustration I just decided to grip the club more firmly, especially with my right hand fingers. I actually started to hit the ball much better and very straight, without thinking about powerless arms or loose wrists. Also I realized that by holding the club more firmly, I actually slowed down my swing naturally. When I sense the right index finger and thumb holding the club firmly at the top and all the way through to the finish, I just contact the ball much better and with a square clubface. I rarely hit a fade and almost never a slice, so I feel my release has been fine. When I do curve it to the right it is usually due to the club slipping in my hand, thus opening the face. I am going to use this tee drill at the range from now on.
June 15, 2015
Paul WilsonBill,
Sounds like you are doing “let go of the club” to get powerless arms not “secure grip loose wrists.”
Secure Grip Loose Wrists:
Powerless arms is you not hitting or helping the shot in any way. From your description you are letting them flop around and letting go. This is not it. Although loosening is good for most people because they are holding on way too tight.
Powerless Arms vs Floppy Arms:
Glad you’re on track. Watch these tips and you will have a better understanding of what you need to be doing.
July 8, 2016
FredDurhamThanks Paul for another great tip!
I was noticing that I was wearing out my glove at the base of the palm where the end of the club would be. I assume that the wear on the glove would be caused by re-gripping the club after I had loosened my grip too much.
I will try this tip and see if it helps.
July 9, 2016
RaymondCHASTELFred ,The wear of the glove at the base of the palm is a clear indication your grip loosens up too much during the swing ,probably at the top :you should hold the handle with the last two fingers of the left hand,pinky and annular
July 10, 2016
Paul WilsonFred,
It could be that or gripping a little too much of the end of the club. Just double check that. A glove should literally last months. If you are wearing them out there is a problem.
July 9, 2016
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,It’s important to have the wrists at the same time flexible and strong .
There are some exersises to achieve that .
Same for the fingers (I train with the GRIP4FORCE )
Maybe JEREMY KLINKHAMER could cover the subject
August 1, 2016
FrancisJordanHi Paul,
Great tip. I notice several times during a round my left hand comes off the club in the follow through . Am I gripping too hard with the right hand ?
August 1, 2016
Paul WilsonFrancis,
This would be you hitting too hard but really your wrists are too tight.
This tip addresses the right hand but it applies to the left as well.
Are Your Hands Coming Off the Club?:
Trouble Hinging And Rehinging Wrists:
March 3, 2019
MashalTalatHi Paul
I don’t let go of the club anymore, but I recently noticed that when I get to the top, my bottom hand is a little separated from the top hand, even though they were connected pretty well at address.
I assume this is will cause me some loss of club speed, so what would I need to work on for that?
March 4, 2019
Paul WilsonMashal,
Your hands separating is telling you that your wrists are too tight. You need to hold on securely but you need to keep your wrists loose.
Secure Grip Loose Wrists:
Grip Pressure:
August 21, 2020
AdamHazelwoodI have been privileged to find Paul and learn the fundamentals of the body swing. Swinging with loose wrists is the keystone from where all else follows. If you get this right, you’re on the way to a lower handicap. My game, both distance, and accuracy, has improved beyond comparison. There are no limits. I genuinely believe I can be a scratch golfer. I now have a swing that I understand, one I can rely upon under pressure – one that is simple and repeats.
My biggest challenge is keeping my mouth shut when I’m on the range and see people slashing away with strong grips getting nowhere fast and sweating profusely!
The other thing that has changed – the last place I always said I would travel to is Vegas – not anymore!
September 5, 2023
DonaldSchwassPaul, i can’t seem to grip at an 8 and not have tension in my wrist and forearms. Any other tips to get this feel?
September 6, 2023
Paul WilsonHello Donald, As you first start learning the grip it may be tight after all you are trying to get precise positioning. As you keep doing it, you will remember the feeling of it and you can then reduce the pressure and keep the positioning. Understand that I do not want you doing a loose grip throughout your swing. I start at 2 out of 10 then I increase to 8 out of 10 by the time i hit the top. So starting tighter is fine as you are learning it but keep it on there as you do the grip down drill working the club back and forth. This will unlock the wrist joint. Then into the future once you have your hands molded onto the club doing the proper grip go down to 5 out of 10 then lighter in the future if you can.