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Over The Top Series – You Have To See It
Paul Wilson
on May 11, 2023
Tags: cure slice golfhow to cure pullhow to cure sliceover the top golf
Author Description

Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
7 Responses to “Over The Top Series – You Have To See It”
August 19, 2019
MichaelNorelliHi Paul,
Thanks for the new series, my over the top move is the hands first, body rotation and early wrists unhinging before impact, almost a casting motion and loss of lag at impact.
Any tips to help to attack more inside with my hands turned off and my wrists hinged on the downswing to impact ?
August 22, 2019
Paul WilsonI have tons of tips on all aspects of the swing. Please go to GOLF TIPS in the red navigation bar on any page. Hover of it. The sub menu will drop down. Go to FULL SWING and the different areas of the swing are categorized. Just go to powerless arms.
Also, red navigation bar to the right you can type in the search box anything you are looking for and all tips will come up on that topic.
Lag – again I have tons of tips on this. Just type in “lag” in the right side of the navigation bar. You need to work on building the swing first and slowing it down so you are not hitting. You then build up your lower body speed for more power. If you keep hitting hard when do you ever change anything? So stop hitting hard. If you stop trying to hit with the arms you will have to use your legs. Problem is people try it for 3 balls and give up. You need to keep doing the drill below until you are good at it:
DRILL: This Is The Best Drill You Should Be Doing Right Now: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-three-quarter-distance/
The work on the lessons here:
Do these drills at home nightly:
Up In The Air Drills – Body Tilt: https://ignitiongolf.com/air-drills-body-tilt/
Up In The Air Drills – Maintaining Balance: https://ignitiongolf.com/air-drills-maintaining-balance/
Up In The Air Drills – Watching The Club Blur: https://ignitiongolf.com/air-drills-watch-blur/
Up In The Air Drills – Speed: https://ignitiongolf.com/air-drills-speed/
Up In The Air Drills – Body Tilt: https://ignitiongolf.com/air-drills-body-tilt/
Up In The Air Drills – Separation: https://ignitiongolf.com/air-drills-separation/
Up In The Air Drills – Clubhead Release: https://ignitiongolf.com/air-drills-release/
August 19, 2019
TimWitzelHey Michael I have same issues. I got the body swing program and watched the videos and read the ebook. I went out and hit balls this aft and have never hit better. Gave me a real understanding of what I was doing wrong and how to do the right things.
It was money well spent.
August 23, 2019
Juan PabloZegarraGreat tip! Thank you!
September 1, 2019
Paul WilsonJuan,
Glad you liked it. Thanks.
April 29, 2021
PeterCammickPaul. I just purchased Body Swing and I love it. Finally something that fits my way of learning! That said, if I am working on the Positions daily, how should I incorporate these over the top drills? Do I just focus on positions for now or does it make sense to add the “Inside Out” drills to get that feeling. My miss on the range and course is a Pull Fade and occasional Slice.
May 1, 2021
Paul WilsonWorking on the positions is great. Keep focusing on them all the time until you have them mastered; this could be a week or a couple weeks. Usually does not take long as long as you focus on them. But if your biggest problem is a pull to pull slice then you want to be working on that also. Focus on the over the top cure for an hour or 2 in between sessions. This should be done with all flaws. Check out these ones as they are my favorites:
Over The Top – Tee Behind The Ball: https://ignitiongolf.com/ott-tee-behind-ball/
Over The Top – Brush Behind Ball: https://ignitiongolf.com/ott-brush-behind-ball/