Mental Game – Embracing Reality

By | on February 6, 2023 | 5 Comments | Array


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5 Responses to “Mental Game – Embracing Reality”

  1. April 15, 2014


    Hi Paul

    I have totally rebuilt my swing since signing up to your course and have made great progress but I seem to have gone a few steps backward

    The problem I am having is as I come down with my downswing my hands are to far away from my groin area and as a result although building up a lot of club head speed it is leading to shanking and missed hit shots so I think I am coming over the top.

    Do you have any drills/videos you can recommend to cure my existing procurement

    Look forward to hearing from you

    Dave Long
    2013 golfer

  2. Hi!
    I have a serious problem bring the practice tee to the course.
    Yesterday was a classic example of what I am seeing.
    Prior to my scheduled tee time I took several shots on the practice tee to see which club was going which distance. Needless to say I couldn’t miss on the range. My pitching wedge was exact at 200 yds. My five iron was right on at 150 yds. Drives were straight and on target at 250 with my Driver, (8.5) and 220 with my 3 wood, (13.5). All shots were off a grass tee. On the course, however, I fell apart as is my norm. Some times rushing the downswing, sometime “all arms” Some of my problems come from poor club selection in deep rough. At other times I play a hole in perfect sync, but once again it doesn’t carry over.
    I am well aware that all or most of my problems are in my head, but can’t seem to break this curse. I read and reread Bob Rotella fully understanding his message, but to no avail.
    Shooting a 125 and carrying a 25 handicap when I know I am fully capable of hitting in the low 90’s is really doing a number on my confidence.
    Need some help Coach,
    -Rich P aka “The Human Rain Delay”

  3. Pitching wedge @ 100 yds.,

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