How Human Nature Affects The Head Position

By | on June 9, 2023 | 26 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

26 Responses to “How Human Nature Affects The Head Position”

  1. October 26, 2012


    Hi Paul,

    I am thinking of getting this weighted hip turn belt by momentus. Before I get it I would like to know what do you think of this product?
    Thank you.

    • October 27, 2012

      Paul Wilson

      Herman, I did see that on the website. I like it. I need to get one to see if it will help but I think it will.

    • December 27, 2014


      Dear Herman ,I have this MOMENTUS belt since quite some time ,I also have the MOMENTUS jacket .
      I don’t find them that much useful except if you want to build up the muscles in your core .They won’t help your swing :just follow Paul’s instructions ,you’ll be doing fine

  2. October 26, 2012


    Hi Paul

    Could you comment me about the recommendation to hit the ball with the upper body behind the ball.
    I have note that you and the many pro player at the contact moment lock like fold his back leg favorable to the upper body be behind the bolt, some instructors recommended incline the colum angle at the contact moment or down the back shoulder . What your opinion about this?

    • October 27, 2012

      Paul Wilson


      I have done tips on this in the past. If you fire the lower body properly the upper body should hang back behind the ball. It’s like hitting the accelerator on a car. When you do your upper body falls back in the seat. If this occurs the path of the club will be slightly from the inside. If you are with the arms your upper body will lean left and the club will swing left. Now this firing of the lower body takes time to master. If you cannot get it by firing you need to purposely keep your head behind it int he downswing. Keep working on the touching of the legs position and feel your body staying behind it.


      Impact Head Behind Ball:

      Fat While Staying Back:

      • December 27, 2014


        Paul ,Regarding FRANK HERRERA’s question ,I note some “Long Drivers “(The “Champion Long Drivers “) ,in order to launch the ball higher at takeaway, recommend to tilt the spine to the right at address ,not just only the shoulders , so to come into the ball in a definite upwards sweeping motion ,not horizontal and surely not downwards , with of course the ball “perched “high on a 4 inches high tee situated in front of th big left toe .
        You wrote me in a previous response that your pupil ,the champion Long Driver ,MIKE DOBBYN ,didn’t do anything of the sort except teeing high.
        MIKE DOBBYN hit the longest drive ever 551 Yards .
        But he”s huge :6 foot 8 ,315 pounds .
        Apart from his outstanding physical attributes ,what make’s him ,in your opinion ,swing at 161 MPH
        N;B. DOBBYN was beaten twice by “small “JAMIE SADLOWSKI in the LONG DRIVE finals afterwards .
        Size isn’t everything !

        • December 28, 2014

          Paul Wilson


          It is all about lag angle and turning the body fast. I keep saying this. Both of these guys have these 2 things. Most long drivers are big guys. For a big guy to turn fast is rare. Sadlowski is thin but can turn incredibly fast which is necessary to hit the ball a long way.

  3. October 27, 2012


    Hi Paul
    As you are showing this I recall a “feet together” drill to avoid swaying. Would you say that this is a counter productive drills for those who follow your swing method? Or do you only refer to the driver and other long clubs here?


    • October 28, 2012

      Paul Wilson


      I don’t ever do the feet together drill. This never cures a sway. Curing a sway takes immense focus on concentration on where the weight is loading on the feet. The head should be moving in the backswing with a proper coiling action of the shoulders as opposed to moving sideways. A quiet hip rotation in the backswing can also help significantly.

      So yes stay away from this drill. It is a waste of time. If you are swaying focus on stabilizing the lower body, loading the weight in the right instep heel in the backswing as the upper body coils.

      • December 27, 2014


        Paul , Commenting on Mr WEINSTEIN ‘s remark ,there’s an obvious way to cure the dreaded sway back :take a wider stance ,wider than the outside of the shoulders,which is the standard stance.
        Of course it makes the rotation forwards more difficult and you have to push real hard from the back right foot(Instep) to launch the rotation !

        • December 28, 2014

          Paul Wilson


          This is why I don’t like a wide stance. Also, I have seen plenty of people with a wide stance who sway. It is about allowing the head to move and finding the balance point of the back instep. Takes practice.

  4. December 27, 2014


    Hey paul
    I was wondering if you have any clips or thoughts on how long your back swing should be
    Many thanks

  5. December 29, 2014


    Hi Paul;
    In this tip, your voice is not in sequence with the video. No idea why. 1st time ever.

    • December 30, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      I will take a look at it. I have a few that are out of synch for some reason.

    • December 30, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      I don’t see anything wrong with the tip. I would think you have gone forward and back or skipped around the tip and it is out of synch. It could also be your connection. No one else is saying it’s out of synch.

  6. February 19, 2015


    Thank you, thank you thank you! I can freely swing to a set position to the top of my backswing without coming over the top on he downswing.

    Was always drilled into me to keep the head STILL! And had to fight that club to the top.

    • February 20, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      Never, ever, ever keep your head still. Glad you started moving it. Now your game will progress like never before. Keep at it.

  7. February 20, 2015


    Thanks Paul! Not only does it go against nature to move the head, there’s a lot of people recommending “keep your head still!”

    • February 21, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      I just watched another tip tonight telling people to do this. Truly mind boggling. Jim McLean did an article back in around 2001 called Y factor where he measured tour players head at address and at the top. Tour average was 3.6 inches of head movement going back. Amateur average was .6 of and inch. So the great majority of amateurs are already keeping their head still due to human nature and the object sitting in front of them. So if amateurs are already keeping their head still why isn’t everyone good? Like I said, the golf swing is an athletic move. All athletic moves see the head moving on the way way.

  8. February 21, 2015


    I know it’s like some “urban legend” everyone seems to want to believe! Keeping my head back and right behind the ball, probably even less than .6 of an inch, ( was REALLY good at it) kept me from getting that club back into position. I thought , “Oh well, I play pretty good when I take my 3/4 swing, (11.3 hcp) I’ll just have to be satisfied with that.”

    So, a couple nights ago I was practicing your drills and I noticed in the mirror, my PW was actually going to parallel. I was amazed!

    • February 22, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      Think of teaching a total beginner. They would be moving all over the place so what would you say to them “keep your head still” right? They didn’t say “perfectly still” though. So a still head can help but perfectly still will hamper. I think within a month or so you should see upwards of 30 yards longer shots. Now you will be able to use your legs and weight shift properly. Plus the longer backswing will give you more time to gain clubhead speed before impact.

  9. I am assuming at setup the head is centered and eyes are centered with the head. When moving head back over the back leg during takeaway what should the eyes see?

    Thank you.

    • Robert,

      At address your head will be a little behind the ball because your right hand is lower than the left on the club. As my head moves back I see the ball not my toes. You really need to watch this tip to understand it fully:

      Which Is Your Dominant Eye?:

  10. October 22, 2015


    I have gotten pretty far behind with your tips, but have saved them all. This one made a huge light go on. One of my swing maladies has been a fade (slice) or pull. I thought it was solely due to a lack of wrist movement. That is only part of it. I recently watched one of you tips on weight shift and driving off of the back leg. I had trouble with this because I haven’t been moving my head enough and never really felt the weight transfer. I can hardly wait to try it. This should also help with the posture of my swing.

    Thank you,

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