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Drill – Hold Lag Turn Hips
Paul Wilson
on September 4, 2015
Tags: Downswinghow to get more laglag drills
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
25 Responses to “Drill – Hold Lag Turn Hips”
June 7, 2013
MichelleRichardsonPaul, if you have to hold the angle then you don’t have powerless arms unless it’s because you hold the angle for a while and then let them go so they are now powerless? Thank you, is that it? Michelle
June 7, 2013
Paul WilsonMichelle,
As I said in a previous tip there are times when you should be feeling your arms. This is when you are working on specific positions in your swing. When you are doing a full swing you are keeping the arms turned off. If you need more lag set this position manually. Hold this positions purposely until you have it mastered. Then you turn your arms off. So if you need lag manually work on lag with your arms until you get it.
June 7, 2013
When on forward swing ypu state “Turn Your Hips”
Is that lead hip, rear hip or both Hips?
June 8, 2013
Paul WilsonMicheal,
This is both hips. You will be using your downswing trigger though. Turn left hip or belt buckle, locking left leg or springing from the right instep:
Uncoil 1:
Uncoil 2:
June 7, 2013
This is something that I have been working on but I find that I tend to hold the lag angle too long at times and occasionally I will take a deep divot. I assume I am not turning my hips fast enough, which will prevent the divot, but in this tip the point that you emphasize to check the butt end of the club pointing at the ball will be really helpful. If I can get to that point successfully I will be OK for releasing that lag angle after that point.I assume !
Thanks Paul another great tip.
June 8, 2013
Paul WilsonAlan,
The fat shot is you with too much weight on your back foot at contact.
Yes, point the butt at the ball but not with your arms just by holding the angle and turning your hips.
June 7, 2013
To be very precise, when the downswing is initiated with the lower body turn, what brings the arms down on the correct plane? For example, I can get into a good backswing position, and turn my hips and cause my upper body to move way over the top. The arms and hands are doing nothing, but the lower body turn moves them towards the target line.
June 8, 2013
Paul WilsonJay,
Forces bring the arm down on the correct plane. Mass (club) will always want to swing at 90 degrees to the axis (body) if you turn the body first and do nothing to the mass. This will happen 100% of the time in life and in the golf swing.
If you are coming over the top while thinking your arms are turned off you are shifting your weight too soon to the left leg. I said TURN not SHIFT. The weight shift is a gradual shift not an immediate shift to the left. If you immediately shift your body will tilt left. Tilt left and you will hit it left.
Body Tilt – Left Right:
June 7, 2013
JohnMcKoneHi Paul,
Thank you for the lag drill. You mentioned there are more lag drills. Where do I find them on the site?
Thank you,
Joihn McKone
June 8, 2013
Paul WilsonJohn,
They are under the topic DOWNSWING:
Here you go:
How to Feel Lag:
How To Feel Lag 2:
Lag Drill:
Lag Drill 2:
Old But Good Lag Drill:
Lag And Release Drill:
How Lag Affects Power:
Holding Your Lag Angle Too Long?:
June 8, 2013
chrisrasmussenHi Paul; this is a great drill; a question on your release; it looks as though your right hand turns over rapidly to get the whipping action you reference; it looks rapid and to the left as the club moves through the hitting area. Is this something that should be practiced?
Thanks…..Chris Rasmussen
June 10, 2013
Paul WilsonChris,
You need to work on the release until you master the release. Then you are no longer thinking about it. When you see me doing it rapidly like that it is not reality. The club does not start to re-hinge until after the release point which is about 2 feet after impact with irons and 3 feet after with woods.
How to Release the Golf Club:
Manually Square the Clubface:
Manually Square the Clubface (Follow Up):
June 16, 2013
paulelliottHi Paul,
I am getting a great lower body action when I swing slowly but the odd shot I come out of it and the ball goes way right
how can I avoid this destructive shot and have you any drills for not coming out of the shot
June 17, 2013
Paul WilsonPaul,
If you are coming out of it you are too anxious to see the result. This is due to hitting. The harder you hit, the more you will look to see what you hit. This is human nature.
Make sure you work on this:
Spine Angle Follow Through:
September 4, 2015
DaleJenkinsI purchased the Ultimate Swing Trainer and was surprised to find that the instruction is all about strengthening the arms so that the arms power the downswing. Am I missing something, or is this the exact opposite of what we have been trying to learn?
September 5, 2015
Paul WilsonDale,
This is to develop lag. You can hold the lag angle with the UST and turn your hips. I thought it showed that in the video. Also, you need to realize that you will feel your arms when working on certain positions and elements on the swing. Once you master them you turn your arms off making them powerless.
Here is a tip showing how you can use it to increase hip speed:
DRILL: Faster Hip Rotation (UST):
September 8, 2015
RaymondCHASTELPaul,I believe you never covered the similarities between the Golf Swing ( YOUR way ) and the baseball batter swing .
I reviewed again and again a video breaking down in slow Motion the swing OF great batter ALBERT PUJOLS ‘hé has an amzing lower body work and leg thrust ,combined with a very compact upper body swing ,the Arms Still going back while his hips are already Turned through and his right leg pushing powerfully forward .
I’ve been transposing some OF these MOVES to m’y golf swing and found That a very powerful thrust forwards OF the right leg helps considérably .But I keep m’y normal golf stance ,I’m not wide open as PUJOLS .
Any comments ?
September 8, 2015
PaulSacchettiHi Paul,
Sorry, off the current topic but I’d like your opinion why I’ve been playing better lately. The last several rounds I have been in the low 80’s consistently. The only major change I have made is to use a firmer grip following your placement exactly. It feels more restrictive but the results of even poor shots are on target. I’ve been using a lighter grip at address but a firmer one throughout the balance of the swing (8 of 10).
Why is this working better when it appears to be opposite of the looseness you are preaching? If I swing this way and swing easy, contact is good, the ball is on target, and the distance is good.
It’s very odd, but strangely effective.
September 11, 2015
Paul WilsonPaul,
I am preaching a secure grip but loose wrists. You are thinking loose grip which is not what I teach.
Secure Grip Loose Wrists:
October 29, 2015
HermanKohHi Paul,
If a person has forward shaft lean at impact does it also mean that one has lag in his swing? Or are these two things not related at all?
October 29, 2015
Paul WilsonHerman,
The only people who have forward shaft lean are pros so yes you would be lagging it too. Forward shaft lean is lag (slightly).
March 22, 2016
BriI took some slo-mo shots of my swing recently, and was rather shocked at my lack of lag. I thought I had some, but in reality, I had near zero. I even thought I was working on lag, and had some.
A PGA teaching pro, here in FL, last week, was giving a free general swing lesson to about twenty attendees, of which I was one, and at some point, he mentioned and demonstrated “dropping in the slot.” I recall hearing this phrase in the past, but did not really know what it was. Well, as it turned out it pretty much has everything to do with getting lag. Anyway, I am not sure if it is a part of your lexicon. It is a ‘catchy phrase’ and concept, and seems on point, maybe, to what you are doing in teaching lag. The pro said, Sergio Garcia, is a very good example of someone who drops in the slot as well as anyone. Is ‘dropping in the slot’ a concept or term you adhere to, or find valuable?
March 23, 2016
Paul WilsonBrian,
Almost every student I film has zero lag. You are not alone. This is because you are hitting with the arms. When you hit you move the club (mass) before the axis (body). Lag means something is trailing behind something else. In your case you have it reversed.
Dropping it in the slot may help but you are still using your arms. Still moving the mass before the axis.
I am fine with you working on lag and doing lag drills but when you do you should also be releasing it. Lag and release. I have tons of lag tips on the site. Just type in LAG in any search box and they will all come up.
Here is the best one:
Lag And Release Drill:
April 9, 2016
UshaTewariPaul I bought your DVDs in 2014 and recently became a membe for the last two week my strokes are little more consistent . Thank you . I would like to see your swing in real slow motion hitting iron and woods . Do you have it in your tips if so please let me know where to look for it ? Thanks again.
Usha Tewari
April 10, 2016
Paul WilsonUsha,
I actually just got these ready a while ago. I just posted it here: then hit the start here button.
Look under Downloads.