What Is the Correct Backswing Depth

By | on June 8, 2011 | 9 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

9 Responses to “What Is the Correct Backswing Depth”

  1. September 12, 2014


    Hi Paul. Can you shed some light on the difference between DRILL: Stop Taking It Inside or Outside Going Back and this video. Personally, I think the difference is that, one is half back the other is 3/4 back. Just need your confirmation. Tq


    • September 12, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      Yes, this is the difference. You have zero depth of swing at halfway back. From there as you keep rotating you get the correct depth as I show in the depth of swing tip. just put the clubs on on the ground as I show as a guide.

  2. August 10, 2015


    Paul, This is one way to answer my question of where the club should be at the top.
    Seems depth of swing will always get me to the right position.
    Am I right?


  3. August 13, 2015


    Hi Paul,
    What are the consequences of too shallow of a backswing? Does it go left with some kind of spin? What about too deep of a backswing? Does it go to the right?

    • August 13, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      Too shallow and you will blow it right, not take divots with irons and potentially drop kick driver.

      Deep backswing and you will most likely cross the line at the top,you may end up too flat below the shoulder line, pushes, push fades etc.

  4. December 15, 2018



    I am one who has had a lifetime tendency to yank the club back too fast and too inside with my right hand. Besides the poor tempo evils, I believe this resulted in my very flat backswing which was robbing me of power and consistency. I probably was about 45 degrees depth. I found great benefit in your “Watch the Grooves” video to achieve a nice, slow, one-piece takeaway. I used it at the course yesterday with some nice results.

    Am I correct in assuming that following your one-piece takeaway drills and teaching will go a long way toward getting the backswing depth to the proper 20-degree angle you show here?


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      December 16, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      I definitely don’t like this super fast backswing. As you know, it causes too many issues. Just think, you don’t hit it going back so why take it back fast?

      I am hoping you get the right depth. This has always been my nemesis. I feel like I am reaching back to the pocket as I go back. This gets me to the perfect depth and solid backswing position. I years gone by I would tend to pick it up (laziness). If you are too flat I wouldn’t think you have the issue I have so I think it should be fine. You will have to watch for too much depth of around 45 degrees. Maybe try the pocket feeling too or have the stick or club on the ground to check it. Right now slowing down should be the main keep though.

      The Importance of Setting the Backswing: https://ignitiongolf.com/importance-setting-backswing/

  5. December 16, 2018


    Thanks Paul. I will try the club on the ground system to check myself and also see if I can get someone to do some videos from behind.


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