Chicken Wing Cure 2

By | on May 31, 2012 | 10 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

10 Responses to “Chicken Wing Cure 2”

  1. May 31, 2012


    Great stuff! Working on this in the garage and I can see & feel the difference already.

    • That’s great Mark. You were close to this position but I think you can still Use a little work. Everyone can benefit from working on this.

  2. Hi Paul, I have been using a nerf football between my elbows as an aid for this position. Good idea or bad?
    Thanks Mike

  3. February 5, 2013


    Hi Paul, I used to have a chicken wing and at some point I realized that the lead elbow can’t be pointing towards the target through impact. Seems to me that the lead elbow needs to be pointing more down or towards the lead hip through impact so that the club can release and the lead arm can fold correctly in the follow through. Make sense?

    • February 6, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      Great thought. This is true. I will put that on my tips list. Keep doing this when hitting balls and in practice swings to get used to it.

      Also, make sure you search the CURES section under SWING TIPS. I have 7 tips on curing a chicken wing.

  4. April 30, 2020


    Paul, I don’t have a chicken wing. When I take a practice swing,I have a good follow through and finish, but when I have a ball on the ground both my arms are straight out after I hit the ball. What causes that?

  5. Paul Wilson is the greatest instructor!!! I have played golf since I was a child. I like to whip the club head at the ball, but my swing has some flaws. I generally hit straight, but have ball marks all over my club face. I needed help, but live in a rural area. I was looking online at clubs and thought if I could fix my swing flaws, I could enjoy new clubs. There was a YouTube tag that miraculously brought me to see The Body Swing!!! This is what I was trying to do without really knowing how. After practicing in the house for a week, I now hit dead center on my clubs without even thinking about the ball. Just touch the knees. After two weeks I went out for a round at 50% with extra balls in my pocket and I was attacking the pin instead of just aiming at the center of the green. It’s amazing how dead straight that ball goes now. No more spray and pray. It’s just hilarious. I love this system! Very good lessons and easy to follow!!!

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