Chicken Wing Cure 1 – Gap In Elbows Down and Through

By | on August 17, 2024 | 13 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

13 Responses to “Chicken Wing Cure 1 – Gap In Elbows Down and Through”

  1. May 30, 2012


    Perfect timing Paul. Actually video taped my swing yesterday and it showed that I had this flaw. This is really a tough game to learn – always something to work on!
    Mark K

    • It is actually a very simple movement but simple is difficult. You just have to overcome human nature and you will be just fine. This means you will have to do things you don’t want to do. Understand the logic. Understand the move. Then no matter how uncomfortable it feels keeps doing it until it feels comfortable. Then move on to the next position and so on. You should have the follow through looking good by now. The backswing is going to be tough for you. Keep working in the mirror so you can check it every night. This way you won’t get off track.

  2. Paul I have been hitting the ball more on the toe on my irons sw-5 iron
    It is a 1/4 inch to the toe. I have started lining my club face closer
    to the hosal and get solid contact and straight ball flight. I know
    this not the proper cure! Help? 😀

  3. February 4, 2013


    This is a major flaw I need to fix but the server that has this video is too slow! Is there any alternative way of watching it? Thanks!

  4. i do hit decent shots, even fat, but i know getting rid of the chicken wing is gonna give me the “hands ahead of ball” at impact and more lenght. somehow i must have adopted my swing to the chicken wing but when i tape myself on video i get sick of that sight 😀 hope your 8 tips will help me!!!

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      August 1, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      If it was me I would be sickened too. I find it truly mind boggling that so many people do this and know they do it yet don’t even work on it. I would literally be sitting there doing thousands of swing stretching my arms out after impact. I would also hit easy shots so I knew for a fact that they were both dead straight just after impact. Then once I got the feeling I would speed it up.

      Here are a couple more you should watch:

      World’s Biggest Chicken Wing:
      You Are Hitting A 9 Iron:
      Another Reason To Do The Roll Over Drill:

      So stay focused on this. Do whatever it takes and like I said do it slow to make 100% sure you are extending both arms after the ball is hit.

  5. Hey Paul!

    New to your swing style. So far loving it.
    I’m struggling with what I think is chicken winging but may just be a result not the root.

    On video what I notice is my hips stall at impact and I chicken wing. I’m hitting a lot of thins and big hooks of the toe. Would love some support!

    Also with your online coaching. Is there a way for us to schedule a time to video chat or is it only random?

  6. Paul,
    I am coming over the top.

    Hitting off the toe and at times hitting to far behind the ball.

    When I work on the drills I find myself swinging harder and harder. How can I get myself to slow done?


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