You Are Hitting A 9 Iron

By | on April 23, 2023 | 13 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

13 Responses to “You Are Hitting A 9 Iron”

  1. March 10, 2016



    Seeing your video on delofting your 7 iron causes me to ask a “loft” question regarding a driver. My typical score is about 95 +/- 5. I’ve often read that my driver loft should be 12 to 13 degrees. What is your suggestion?

    Jim Hardy

    • March 18, 2016



      I was hoping to hear your comment on my message to you March 10. I would like your view on driver loft,

      James Hardy

    • March 18, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      Sometimes I overlook questions. If so, just post it again until I answer it.

      They are trying to get you into a higher lofted driver to get you hitting it better. It’s like you are hitting a 3 wood. Beware of club manufacturers. They will do anything to get you to hit their clubs better than the one you are using. So you hit a 10.5 then you switch to a 13 of course you are going to hit it better. If so, you buy it but really they just gave you a 3 wood. More loft = more backspin less sidespin. Every slice or hook a wedge? Very tough to do. So I recommend you stick with a 10.5 and work on your swing. If you are having trouble with driver hit a 3 wood and save the money.

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    March 11, 2016


    Greetings Paul, that was an excellent tip and helped me a lot. I try to keep my left arm straight when I drive the ball, but obviously, I am chicken winging most of my shots. I do not hit it very far. This tip will stick in my mind every time I golf. I’ll just have to practice in slow motion.

    • March 12, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      Yes, I would think you are doing a chicken wing so why don’t you make that priority one this year. I have a ton of tips on the chicken wing. Just enter it in the search box on the original site or dashboard. You need to do these drills and be working on it every night. Slow right down and just hit balls knowing for a fact they are extending past the ball. If you can’t do it right at 1mph you will never do it at top speed. So the goal is to just do it no matter how slow you need to go.

  3. Hi Paul,

    Thanks for this tip,
    just a quick question, if the primary reason for the flipping or adding loft through impact, is coming from a chicken wing , which in turn perhaps might be a result of insufficient lower body rotation through impact, poor weight transfer and/or hitting too hard with the arms ? Will the rollover drill paired with “adding more lower body” mitigate the chicken wing?



    • March 12, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      The roll over will loosen your wrists and deloft the club. You cannot roll it over doing an chicken wing which means your wrists will be locked. So this is great for loosening the wrists which is part of getting full extension. So this is a drill you need to master. Then I have a bunch of other tips on curing a chicken wing on the site. Just type it in the search box on the original site or dashboard and they will all come up.

      Also, make sure you are working on grip, setup and follow through. This is how I teach. There are 8 lessons in the Dashboard on the FULL SWING slide. Those are the 8 lessons I teach everyone.

  4. That’s the easy way ,Paul ,to deloft YOUR clubface for the irons .
    You CAN also make a conscious effort to have YOUR hands leading the clubface in the downswing / throughswing ,which automatically delofts it.
    There ‘ s a training aid- I believe I mentioned it to you before- to help get YOUR hands in front OF the ball: it’s called the DST COMPRESSOR ,it comes in as a wedge or as an 8 Iron .It’s simply a golf club with a curved shaft ,forcing you to swing with the hands ahead OF the ball .
    But I know you don’t t like it .
    Many Pro’s on the Tour train with it ,though !

    • March 12, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      This goes totally against what I teach. This will get people trying to hit the ball with the arms. Forget forward shaft lean, hitting down etc. Please don’t tell people to do this.

      Pros already use their bodies to hit the ball. Amateurs use their arms. How do you get someone to stop using their arms when people keep telling them to use things that cause them to keep hitting.

  5. March 11, 2016


    My question is similar to Raymond’s. Will curing the chicken wing cure the loft problem or should we alas do the roll over drill.


    • March 12, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      You need to do the roll over drill as well because this helps to unlock your wrists. Curing a chicken wing will definitely help to get the right loft on your club but this does not or will not mean your wrists will be unlocked. So learn the roll over and stretch your arms out. You need the wrists unlocked to generate the whipping action of the club.

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    March 12, 2016


    Paul, thank you for your reply. I have been thinking of a way to eliminate the chicken wing. Have something like a splint put on the left arm for right handed golfers. When this is done, the left arm will not be able to bend in a chicken wing.
    It’s like a cast on the arm. I am not trying to be comical, just an idea.

    • March 13, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      Not needed plus it will not work because you lead arm bends in the follow through. Understand if you are doing a chicken wing YOU are hitting with your arms. In doing so the forearm muscles contract. So, slow down, loosen up and get used to the new feeling of not tightening your arms. People have trouble with this because they keep trying to whack golf balls. Stop doing this. Start doing tons of slow, easy practice swings around the house working on full extension of both arms at the release point (just after impact) and into the through swing. Keep doing it every night. This is different so it takes work to fix it.


      It is a Letting Go Experience:
      DRILL: Try To Hit Chair:
      How to Release the Golf Club:

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