Backswing Width – Part 1

By | on March 6, 2024 | 3 Comments | Array


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3 Responses to “Backswing Width – Part 1”

  1. Fine work out ,Jeremy ,thanks for demonstrating it .It does help a lot to have the left arm fully extended while performing the backswing.
    There’s annother exercise shown by Mike BAUMANN with his ULTIMATE GOLF SWING TRAINER ,called “Flexibilty “,which acheives the same purpose ,but a bit more difficult ,standing up .

  2. December 14, 2016


    Hi Jeremy…this is great. couple of questions:
    1. what about starting with hands below the waist and making the move across/up? Would you still keep the inside knee up or switch?
    2. do you have any thought on this exercise re: rolling the wrists or which hand finishes on top?
    3. could you do something like this seated or balanced (on your knees) on top of a ball?
    thanks! Craig

    • Hi Craig,
      1. Great exercise to do the other ‘diagonal’. Whichever side of your body your hands would be lowest, that’s the same side the knee should be on the floor.
      2. You can maneuver your wrists however you like… if there’s something golf specific to your swing you can certainly try to add it to this exercise.
      3. Seated on a ball would be fine. In a lunge stance, is the Part 2 of this exercise which is good too. On top of a ball would be for a select few!
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

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