Advancing the Coil

By | on April 12, 2017 | 14 Comments | Array


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14 Responses to “Advancing the Coil”

  1. February 27, 2013


    Where do you buy a ball like you are using?

    • Hi Randy,
      Any sporting goods store should do. You don’t need anything expensive at all. In fact, if you grab a small pillow you could do exactly the same thing.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  2. February 27, 2013


    I don’ t quite see the difference with the exercise on the stabilty ball :the legs don’ t move in both exercises !Where ‘s the catch ?A gain,I prefer to perform these exercises with a m

    • Hi Raymond,
      Good question. A large percentage of golfers I work with have trouble keeping their legs “quiet” in the backswing. Therefore, I start them on the stability ball which forces their lower body not to move. The catch is… when we stand up we don’t have anything stopping our lower body from moving anymore. This is where the exercise gets harder. Not only do you have to rotate the upper body (with a weighted ball or not) but you have to stabilize your own lower body when you’re standing up without the help of the stability ball. Watch yourself in the mirror when you do it. If you’re great at keeping the lower body anchored I find that it’s ok to move to a medicine ball as you mentioned. If your knee and foot move around during the exercise, you shouldn’t use weight until you perfect the movement pattern. Good luck.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  3. February 28, 2013


    Thanks ,Jeremy ,for the explanation !

  4. Thanks, Jeremy. Great exercise and tip!

  5. Please forward me the basic tip on Lower Trap to get a better understanding as suggested by you

    Thanks Jeremy


  6. Are you saying use the right shoulder muscle to take the club back when making the actual golf swing.

    • Hi Billy,
      Simple but difficult question. It really depends on if you’re having an issue taking the club away properly. From an anatomical platform, that trail-side shoulder muscle helps pull the shoulder blade towards the spine and initiate torso rotation around the axis of the spine… you may be using it already and just don’t know it. The abdominals and other spinal rotators assist and play a much larger roll pretty quickly after this muscle does its job. For now, just use that muscle in your golf fitness routine… the end result is the muscle should activate in your every day life, including your golf swing. Let your golf fitness routine creep into your game on this one. You and Paul are in charge when it comes to “the actual golf swing.”
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  7. Thank you that’s what I was thinking it all makes sense now.

  8. Hi Jeremy
    Great tips but I am really struggling with my balance and lower body strength. I have had both hips replaced and have not really got my strength back in them or my balance. Especially my left one. Because of that, I cannot transition to my left side. Could you suggest a plan to do that would strength the lower body and allow me to develop better balance.
    Thank you in advance for your timely response to this request.

    • Hi Clark,
      Great question. It’s very common to struggle with weight transfer after hip replacements. In my opinion and experience, it seems to be a physical challenge at first then switches to a mental challenge. If it’s physical, strength comes first. Things like bridges (look for all types of those in my ‘Flexibility’ tab on the homepage), squats, sidesteps with tubing around the ankles would be great things to concentrate on. Balance gets better with strength typically but try these for balance-specific training… stand on one leg, practice putting on one foot or maybe heel to toe. Golf balance is tough because of all the variables, ie speed and terrain. Therefore, I would practice a lot of swings in a safe place and at a manageable speed to improve both your physical and mental confidence. You may find a certain speed that works best for you physically and mentally at home is the speed you do well with on the course. Use your home as a way to practice for success at the range and course.
      Best of luck to you,
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

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