Which Is The Right Club?

By | on August 2, 2013 | 3 Comments | Array


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3 Responses to “Which Is The Right Club?”

  1. August 3, 2013


    What I discover was when you try to get more distance out of, for example a hard 6 iron opposed to a soft 5 iron, swinging faster de-lofted the 6 iron and I got too much roll opposed to a soft landing. The other problem was most of the time I would come up short trying to hit it soft.

    So my question is, To gain accuracy is it a matter of dialing in different swing speeds (fast, medium and slow) like you do with pitching? Also should you add choking up to make shot like this to make it more complicated.


    • Try not to adjust swing speeds, like the pitching method, try to always hit full shots into holes. You can adjust how much you grip down onto the club, shorter club means less swing speed. This is a method I do from time to time.

  2. Peter ,THE choice of THE right club d

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