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What Targets to Choose with Mike Dobbyn
Paul Wilson
on April 9, 2019
Tags: golf distancehow to hit drivermore distance golfpower golf
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
2 Responses to “What Targets to Choose with Mike Dobbyn”
April 9, 2019
RaymondCHASTELAbout choosing a target in the distance far away, BEN HOGAN said that already .It has to be a precise target .To a caddy who told him to hit towards a cluster of trees far away ,BEN HOGAN asked “Which tree ?”I myself choose two targets :one 1 or 2 feet in front of my ball -JACK NICKLAUS way- the other in the far distance ,usually a specific tree or limb of tree or church staple .The visualization part is very important indeed :you have to see the target in your mind when swinging
April 14, 2019
Paul WilsonRaymond,
He was talking about working on distance not while playing.