
By | on June 24, 2018 | 8 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

8 Responses to “Slack”

  1. Early on, you had us bring the back swing back so that our thumbs pointed to our right ear. Is that the still the best feel? In practice I do turn my head to see if my arms have not gone to far behind my head. Which, I think still happens on the course, which I cannot check.


    • Ron,

      That is a great, simple way to set the backswing. If your thumbs were in your ear it would be too long. Thumbs to the sky would be too short. This would be the approximate backswing length you need. You should be videoing your swing to check it. Just have someone film it for you.

  2. So, should arms and wrist-cock STOP when the shoulders stop turning? I think I am letting the wrists cock later in the swing AFTER the shoulders stop turning. This causes “slack” too. Right? I think we all sometimes try to reach for more distance at the top. I know I am guilty of this move.
    Thanks for another eye-opening tip!

    • John,

      Yes, when the shoulders stop you are at the top.

      Once coiled immediately uncoil to hit the shot.

  3. Paul,

    Thanks for the lesson. I’ve struggled with a really long backswing for years. This Is ecentuated with my driver. How do you fix it? I appreciate your direction and I’m making a lot of progress this past 6 months.


    • Sean,

      Glad you are doing well. I love hearing it.

      You fix it by understanding why you don’t want to do that (this tip).

      Then check if you are not breaking lead arm too much with the hinge coming at the wrists. If so, you are then thinking about coiling. Once coiled tight you are at the top so start the uncoil.

      Here some other suggestions:

      How To Shorten Backswing:

  4. June 26, 2018



    Great tip. Is this lesson similar to the concept of keeping your hands in front of your chest during the swing?


    • Chris,

      Not really. It would be more about with your hands in front of your chest what are you doing with them. Are they in sync or not.

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