Separating Pros From Amateurs

By | on October 6, 2024 | 4 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

4 Responses to “Separating Pros From Amateurs”

  1. November 29, 2020


    Just need some clarification. At top of backswing, shoulders are turned 90 degrees and hips are 45 which feels like the tight coil I am supposed to achive..Should I assume that is separation? On downswing, if I turn hips and shoulders together while maintaining the 45 degree separation, is that the same as you describe? At impact the hips would be separated by 45 degrees ahead of the shoulders.

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      November 30, 2020

      Paul Wilson

      Separation is the hips moving without the upper body. Most golfers that I see move everything together, while pros and better players from the start of the downswing the hips are dragging everything else through. You might want to re-watch this tip to clarify what separation is. You want to move the hips first to drag the upper body through.

  2. December 1, 2020



    It never ceases to amaze me how all of your teachings fit together. Other instructors offer a bunch of disconnect jibberish.

    The “powerless arms” are necessary to achieve separation. In fact, with your arms powerless, the separation almost happens automatically, as does the squaring of the face at impact, as does an increase in clubhead speed, as does solidness of contact.

    Great stuff!

  3. December 16, 2020


    Paul W.– I had a question about the Club Shaft Parallel With Ground on Downswing (the P6) position.
    My in-person golf instructor is insistent that I always get to P6 with arms low and very soft for every full shot. I am even now just doing half-swings (an L-shape at the top) and when get to P6, I have a bit of lag and I am hitting the ball as far as ever with better consistency. QUESTION– How does powerless arms from the top get me to P6? does it? Do you have a video with P6 and a full swing? thanks Paul B.

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