Putter Check

By | on December 22, 2024 | 12 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

12 Responses to “Putter Check”

  1. November 23, 2014


    Hi Paul;
    Another common sense tip that no one else has thought of. How do you do it? Doesn’t matter..thanks.

    • November 25, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      When you stand there for 23 years teaching people these things just come to you. I think I have 700 more on my list.

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    November 25, 2014


    Paul, I just read in Newsmax magazine this month on page 60 that they are experimenting with making the holes 15 inches in diameter instead of the standard 4 1/4 inch. It gets a thumbs-up from Jack Nicklaus. The main reason is to get more people to have fun. What is your take on this. I think everyone’s handicap would drop a lot.

    • November 26, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      I don’t think we need bigger holes. We need to be teaching people to not hit the ball with their arms and how use the legs to power the swing. If people just focused on hitting my follow through positions they would hit the ball better than they ever have in their lives. A bigger hole doesn’t fix their swing.

    • The test was done in the BEN HOGAN years ( BEN HOGAN became a very lousy putter in his last years )
      The large holes didn’t improve anything !

  3. A very sound advice ,you are giving here Paul .I guess it applies to all OF the clubs in the bag also ,especially if you hold on ,as I do ,to ” old ” clubs you affectionnate .
    The heads CAN twist if you have hit a Stone or a hidden root …
    Considering NEW putters ,do you see an interest in the ” fat” grips on the handles I see flourishing today ?

    • March 10, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      I am about to try a fat grip. Not super fat but medium fat. Seems to feel okay in my hands but really want to see what it’s like on the putter. A lot of people are suing them.

  4. September 8, 2019


    Paul ,
    Sound recommendation .
    Regarding how you hold the putter ,I read recently advice on how to hold on it .
    The Golf teacher (A pretty well known one !)said the shaft should be aligned with the forearms,So take up the putter horizontally ,put the shaft in alignment with the arms ,then go back to the putter’s position ,You are bending over the ball .When i do this ,I have to grip very low on the handle to keep the eyes over the ball ,which I feel unnatural and I don’t like .I like to be tall over the ball while keeping my eyes over it .Testing both methods ,i didn’t find any improvement in my putting ,my forearms bealigned or not not with the shaft .
    For chipping ,it’s different for me ,I grip down below the grip to get better accuracy in the reduced chipping swing (SEVE BALLESTEROS method )
    PAUL RUNYAN and others said that the chip was just a lofted put :that doesn’t go well with me !(I tried it to no avail)
    Chipping and putting are two different strokes for me !

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      September 17, 2019

      Paul Wilson


      I have hear and seen this before. You can certainly do this. It seems it is not giving you any benefit so I would just do what you normally do. I can’t find Bobby Locke from down the line but it doesn’t look like his putter shaft was inline with the right forearm. To me it’s all about comfort. If you are a great putter doing whatever you do then don’t change it. If you are a poor putter then you might want to make some adjustments.

      Definitely grip low when chipping.

  5. September 8, 2019



    Another pearl from the archives. Keep them coming. I have also noticed that the way a putter fits in my hands tends to close it. I have to be aware of this when I am getting a putter re-gripped. Have you seen this phenomenon in others?


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      September 17, 2019

      Paul Wilson


      Not really. I have seen many people set up with the face shut (me included). I would think you have a grip problem so you need to check it. Just have your thumbs down the flat surface of the grip. If the grip is on correctly it should be fine and not shut the face.

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