Pressure … Really

By | on March 18, 2024 | 7 Comments | Array


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7 Responses to “Pressure … Really”

  1. Hi Dave, What do you call it when there is something you don’t want to do and then do it? Example: playing the 18 th fairway and have used just one golfball for the round. Third shot and you think, put this on the green and I will be safe. Instead you pull it hard left almost in a water hazard that is not even in line with green.
    Thanks Mike

  2. Hi Mike!
    Great to hear from you.
    Great question. Here’s the deal. From my experience…even though you thought you’d like to hit the safe shot–there is usually a “Don’t go….” kind of thought lurking underneath. THAT thought is the one “playing out” and often why we hit the poor shot.

    Remember, the mind doesn’t respond to the word, “Don’t”. so whatever you put after that is the message you’re sending yourself.

    For example, “Don’t go left” is interpreted by your mind as “GO LEFT”. because the word, “Don’t” does not register.

    I know it sounds funny but that’s what happens.

    Your post started out with >>>What do you call it when there is something you don

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    December 31, 2013


    Pressure for me happens because I fear doing something wrong. My hands get cold and I start thinking of what someone else will think if I make a mistake. I am now going to try your way of thinking about pressure and turn it inside out. Thanks for your expertise…

  4. November 20, 2018


    How do sleep the night before a tournament and the drive to the tournament that gives you butterflies and your arms feel weak that leds to not swinging freely. Then during the tournament you try to protect your led and play defensive game.

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      November 22, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      You just have to be there enough so you are used to it. Can’t play protective golf. That is not what got you to the lead in the first place. You need to play the game that got you there. It took me about 20 tournaments before I was comfortable playing in them. I would actually play better in tournaments than regular rounds after that.

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