Power Leak Series – Alignment

By | on March 30, 2024 | 13 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

13 Responses to “Power Leak Series – Alignment”

  1. December 11, 2015


    Still having problems with audio on videos.

    • September 24, 2021


      I’ve seen comment from a few pros who align squarely but drop their rear foot back an inch or two. It keeps their shoulders aligned and avoids a leftward path.
      Jason Dufner I think as an example and even Hogan had his rear foot drawn slightly back. Any thoughts?

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        September 28, 2021

        Paul Wilson

        These would be an example of a band-aid in your swing. It worked great for a couple pros, but the more closed you are going to be at set up, then some bad things can happen like, having to use more arms or poor alignment. I would highly suggest that you keep as square as possible.

  2. December 11, 2015


    Paul,While playing m’y usual 18 holes round yesterday ,m’y Golf partner observed I didn’t ” stretch out ” m’y ARMS enough ( that’s what he said) while addressing the ball with m’y driver .That’s true ,I am more Bent on having the feeling That m’y ARMS are flexible And loose at address .I believe then That centrifugal force Will stretch them ot naturally if I keep,” POWERLESS ARMS ” .
    Having the ARMS ” stretched out at address gives them a taughtness I don’t like .You yourself don’t out YOUR ARMS at address ,What is right or wrong ?

    • December 12, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      If your doing that you better have the ball set up way on the toe ala George Knudson otherwise you will not hit it flush. Why not extend your arms but keep them relaxed. Makes sense to me.

  3. December 11, 2015


    Hi Paul,

    What is your perception of Moe Norman’s golf swing?
    It looks as if he takes the ball off the ground miraculously consistent manner each time.

    • December 12, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      I grew up in the same hometown so I know it well.

      The last time I talked to him he had hit over 4 million golf balls.

      He hit it great.

  4. December 13, 2015


    Paul,To better extend the ARMS at address ,while keeping them flexible And loose ,is it advisable to bring the elbows closer together ?

    • December 13, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      If you arms are extended your elbows would be closer together. Just don’t force it.

  5. Paul,
    I have a leg length discrepancy due to breaking my right femur when 3 years old. My right leg is around 1 inch longer than my left. How would you expect this to impact on my swing? Do I need to make more allowances to compensate?

    • Martin,

      Might want to flex this a little more at address to make sure you are not leaning left at setup. The right leg is bent in the downswing so this should not be an issue. It is really address that you need to check. Do your set up and have someone check you out.

      Right Tilt: https://ignitiongolf.com/setup-address-tilt/

  6. July 22, 2019


    Hi Paul

    What driver and irons do you find best suit the body swing?

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      August 7, 2019

      Paul Wilson


      This would all be dependent on you and how you swing. You should see a professional clubfitter. They would be able to determine what’s best for you based on your numbers.

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