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Should You Pause At The Top Of The Backswing
Paul Wilson
on April 21, 2017
Tags: Golf Swing PausePause At The Top Of The BackswingTop of Backswing
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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
14 Responses to “Should You Pause At The Top Of The Backswing”
October 14, 2013
TomThanks Paul, this tip is another layer of the onion peeled for me! I watched this tip together with your other tip on ‘…behind the 8 ball’ and went out and swung beautifully with a rhythm I only ever dreamed of. The next day I couldn’t find the same rhythm from the previous day so went back to the above tips and realised that the pause at the top of the back swing allowed me to get the on the right sequence. I’ll keep working on my rhythm, thanks again!
October 14, 2013
Paul WilsonTom,
Glad you liked it.
When you have a good round one day you will most likely try to hit it harder the next day so you will lose it. If you are hitting it well the next day focus on swinging easy. No more than 80% and even at 50%. This will keep you loose. If you go too hard you will get too tight. Once this occurs the ball can literally go anywhere.
October 15, 2013
TomThanks Paul – will do my best to keep this in the forefront of my mind during the round, it will eventually sink in : )
I am grateful for all your help and advise!
March 1, 2014
barrybowerHi Paul would incorporating a distinct pause at top decrease ball distance by very much. i have a tendency as club starts downswing my hands push club up and cross the line,doesnt occur in practise swings . if i pause at top for 1,2 seconds reduces the up and over, i think it allows me to focus on starting downswing with lower body tasking the arms out of it more.would this be good way to take my arms out off it
March 2, 2014
Paul WilsonBarry,
I love a pause or slowing down at the top. This does not mean you are coming to a complete stop though. Just a hesitation. This occurs due to the golfer waiting for the body rotation to bring the arms down not the arms bringing it down.
Stopping as a drill is great so you have tons of time to check if you are in the proper position before you swing down.
Pause At Top: https://ignitiongolf.com/pause-top-backswing
DRILL: Stop at the Top: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-stop-top/
The Importance of Setting the Backswing: https://ignitiongolf.com/importance-setting-backswing/
April 9, 2017
PaulBerghoutPaul– I love this video. “Go to the top, FEEL the lower…..and let the club follow” for that pro look. Thanks, Paul B.
April 11, 2017
Paul WilsonPaul,
Glad you liked it. Thanks. This give you that effortless look.
April 24, 2017
I guess this also promotes the tip you gave on “Just three inches” regarding our hip rotation. I guess it would promote the hips moving ahead of the club.
April 24, 2017
Paul WilsonRoy,
Yes, this would certainly give you more time to feel the hip rotation in the downswing. Time is something we have little of in a golf swing.
April 26, 2017
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,The perfect example of the slight pause at the top is the beautifully rythmed swing of great young Japanese player HIDEKI MATSUYAMA who has won several times on the TOUR .I have the image of his pause at the top as a swing thought whenever I swing
April 26, 2017
Paul WilsonRaymond,
I think it looks a little too obvious but it obviously works for him. This would certainly slow faster swingers down.
March 31, 2018
YutakaMatsumotoI notice that if I make complete stop at the top it is difficult to keep the arms out of the downswing. It seems that making a short pause at the top makes it much easier to feel the body making the swing.
April 2, 2018
Paul WilsonYukata,
A hesitation is fine at the top. I tell people to do this all of the time. If you stop you lose momentum so it can lead to hitting. It is tough stopping at the top. I would never do this myself.
Pause At Top: https://ignitiongolf.com/pause-top-backswing/
March 25, 2021
DavidBolsegaFrom the one piece takeaway
when the club is parallel to the ground at this point
what is a coaching point to get the club to the top with the arms ……..
to pause before the downswing begins