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Never Purposely Hit Down On The Ball
Paul Wilson
on May 14, 2012
Tags: Golf Impact HittingHit Down at ImpactHitting Down On the Ball
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
11 Responses to “Never Purposely Hit Down On The Ball”
May 14, 2012
MikePlummerHi Paul,
Just a quick question. If your arms are loose and wrists too, as you uncoil and the club face squares will the roll-over just happen? I’m feeling as if it happens as I go to point “b”. I have left a few out to the right and I believe I have tightened up to cause that. Any thoughts?
Thanks, Mike
May 14, 2012
Paul WilsonMike,
The roll over will happen if your arms fully stretch out if they are lose enough to stretch out. Remember, at address you pre-determined that when your arms are stretched out the face is square. SO to square the face you just have to let your arms stretch out fully. This is easier said than done. It is so much looser than you think. To get people to do it faster than just letting go I have people do the roll over drill. Rolling it early (from the top) causes a hook. Once it hooks the face is squaring. Once squaring you forget rolling it and focus on starting the lower body first to straighten the shots out.
Manually Square the Clubface:
Manually Square the Clubface (Follow Up):
May 14, 2012
GerryCarriereHi Paul. Great tip again. Are members going to have the ability to save some tips to ones individual favourite location on this new site? Thanks
May 14, 2012
Paul WilsonThanks. Glad you liked it. At this time there is no way to save your favorite tips. I will see what I can do as far as programming is concerned. Not sure if it can be done on this site.
May 14, 2012
October 26, 2012
RogerMillerPaul, as always you somehow manage to articulate technical things in such a way that makes complete sense and is easy to understand for non professionals TRYING to learn!
October 27, 2012
Paul WilsonRoger, I just want people to get it. I spent years teaching people and while I taught them I would be thinking about what they were thinking about as I said it. I guess this put me in the person’s shoes so I learned how to make it make sense. Glad you liked it.
October 22, 2013
AndrewMahHi Paul
Your tip makes perfect sense and I understand how the divot is created as a result of our body tilt. Is it true to say, if we follow these fundamentals, we ALSO need to ensure we transfer our weight to ensure we take a divot? Would you agree with this logic?
My second question- we see on tv how some players take a small sliver of a divot, whislt other players will take a deep think “bank bill” divot. In terms of fundamentals what actually creates these larger/deeper divots? I am trying to apply your fundamentals, and is this created from having a greater tilt and hence creating more depth to the bottoming out of the arc? I somehow think my analysis is wrong?
cheers Andrew
October 22, 2013
Paul WilsonAndrew,
You will be transferring your weight if you get to the tip of the back big toe into the follow through so yes the weight shift is important and should be happening without you thinking about it.
The deeper divot can be created by tilting back too much or if you have a steep downswing. Sliders sometime take deep divots. If the person swings too much from the inside (big draw) this can shallow out the plane thus taking what should be a deep divot and shallowing it out. The steeper more up and down swing would also take a deeper divot. These could be shallowed out by standing up through impact or buckling the elbows.
You should continue to work on your swing positions both in the follow through and backswing. Recognize contact and if you are taking divots or not. If not, you are hitting it with your arms. As you allow them to stretch out by turning them off you will take a divot. Once you are this level you can then determine if they are too shallow or too deep. Start taking divots first then get to the next level of perfecting them.
November 12, 2018
JOHNPERRYDoes the down [forward] swing plane arc actually flatten somewhat from contact with ball to post divot
release [both arms straight], thereby changing the otherwise perfect circle edge to become a bit
oblong? It seems as though it could by dragging/lagging in the dirt below the surface. I am no mathematician, for sure, so i so not intend to sound ignorant in this regard.
Thank you for any clarification, Sir Paul, for …almost anyone alleged to be an expert claims that the swing arc forms a perfect circle, much like a hula hoop.
November 12, 2018
Paul WilsonJohn,
The golf swing is not a perfect circle. It is an oval. It would be a circle if your feet were together or you were standing on 1 leg because you would only have one axis. In the golf swing there are 2 which creates the oval.
Here are some tips on divots that explain it:
Further Understanding of Divots:
Illustrating Why A Divot Is Taken:
How To Take A Divot:
Never Purposely Hit Down On The Ball:
Why You Do Not Take Divots:
Glad you are trying to understand it. This is half the battle.