David and Paul – When To Prepare for Your Shot

By | on July 18, 2022 | 5 Comments | Array


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5 Responses to “David and Paul – When To Prepare for Your Shot”

  1. July 8, 2014


    greetings coach thanks for the feedback//// will 50% effort increase the more i play or will i need to make it a thought process to go higher? thanks

    • John,

      Confidence breeds distance. Stick to this level until you are good at it. Amazing things are in store for you if you can.

  2. July 8, 2014


    Greetings David A quick note to you played last sunday best 9 holes in many years i told paul before i left home i watched your tip “take the “I” out of your game ” it made a difference and helped my play Thanks Coach

  3. Hey Paul!! Quick question. I see alot of pros sawing off their finish. Are they doing this b/c they are between clubs or does that help them with trajectory or accuracy? Just curious when you’d advocate that type of finish & when to use. Thanks!!

    • Bryan,

      Most of the time they are hitting knock down shots. Some of them are doing this new one plane stack and tilt type of swing. Did any of the best player of all time doing this swing? No. So don’t do this Follow Through.

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