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Easy Way To Learn The Knock Down Shot
Paul Wilson
on July 16, 2023
Tags: how to hit a knock down shotKnock Down Shotknock down shot golfpunch shot golf
Author Description

Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
25 Responses to “Easy Way To Learn The Knock Down Shot”
September 27, 2016
kennion.johnsonNice tip… when you use this type of shot how much distance do you lose from s normal shot with the same iron?
PS your chipping technique works great for me getting close and even chipped in too
September 28, 2016
Paul WilsonKennion,
You may not lose any distance as you are de-lofing the club. If you just did a short backswing though you might want to take an extra club.
Glad you are doing well with my chipping technique. Just see this as a long chip. In no time you can get good at them.
September 28, 2016
JamesClarkePaul, on the setup for chipping and subsequently the set up for knockdown whether using a sand wedge or say an eight iron setting up as described a 4 knuckle grip
Forward to left thigh doesn’t the club face get totally closed be it an 8 0r SW? Thanks JIm
September 28, 2016
Paul WilsonJames,
Yes, the face would be closed. It is not hooking though because you are making sure your hands hit the ball where they started.
July 7, 2020
findljHi Paul,
Would it be the same as chipping that you would only use this technique down to a 7 iron for the punch shot? And do you widen your feet a little more a longer club then say a sand wedge?
Thanks, Larry
July 9, 2020
Paul WilsonYou can try it with all golf clubs, obviously the less loft a club has then the lower its going to go. Just have to try it for yourself and see how low the shots go. A 7iron for instance is going to go pretty low.
October 4, 2016
JohnC. DawesPaul, is this the shot I use out of deep rough?
October 4, 2016
Paul WilsonJohn,
In deep rough you are just chopping it out so yes, you can us this shot.
October 8, 2016
DavidButlerGreat tip Paul,
I was curios though about distance and arms/hands. I am trying very hard not to use my hands and arms and getting better. When hitting this shot, how much tension do you have in your hands and arms. So, if I hit my 7 iron about 150-155, if I do a knock down 7, what should I be hitting? maybe 135?
Thanks so much for what you are doing. You have helped me very much.
October 9, 2016
Paul WilsonDavid,
Glad you like the the tips. I appreciate the support.
I try to keep them turned off coming down and through impact. This means I am not adding any extra to hit or help the shot. So to me my arms feel powerless.
You may want to watch this:
What Is Powerless Arms?: https://ignitiongolf.com/what-is-powerless-arms/
For the knock down shot, you would be de-lofting the club so depending on backswing length and how fast you are swinging you can actually get the same distance. I typically take one more club because I do a little shorter swing. Once you get good at the shot you will be able to determine if you need one more club or not.
December 6, 2019
JonathanComptonCan this shot be used with hybrids?
December 14, 2019
Paul WilsonJohnathan,
You can try. I would never do this though.
February 16, 2017
How much this shot create spin?
Otherwise your tips are great! Thanks.
Br Mauri
February 17, 2017
Paul WilsonMauri,
Glad you like the tips. This is the shot that is the 2 hops and stop shot (if the conditions are right). It’s like taking a pool ball and the side of your hand. Hit down on the side of the pool ball. It forces it forward but there is so much spin it stops. This is what you are doing with this shot.
If you are downwind or hitting to a green sloping away from you will not get this spin so you have to take this into consideration.
April 28, 2018
EdmundoBunyiHi Paul. With sand or lob wedge, can this be an alternative to the pitch shot? What’s your experience with one vs. the other? Thanks.
April 30, 2018
Paul WilsonEdmundo,
I hit this knock down shot regularly. It’s great because you always hit the ball first (I can trust this when I am not practicing). You do need enough green to work with though because the ball will roll a little then check up.
July 2, 2018
JimBremhorstI need to use this shot more often than I’d like to admit because our fairways are narrow and we have lots of trees lining them. Our groundskeeper loves to keep our rough long and thick also. I’m struggling trying to hit this shot and move the ball forward with any accuracy when the rough is long. I think I’m better off using the “deep rough” techniques and just get the ball back in play. Good thing you’ve provided tips for both. They really aren’t that different. Thoughts?
July 2, 2018
Paul WilsonJim,
Right, you just need to get it back in play. You don’t get it out now you have to hit the same shot plus you aren’t in the right frame of mind to do so. This is where high numbers come from. So you get it back in play. Get it up near the green (maybe on) and get out of there with no more than double bogey (hopefully bogey).
Try this when you are in rough that is not all that deep:
Hit From Light Rough: https://ignitiongolf.com/light-rough/
October 20, 2018
ErwinReinwaldHello Paul
I appreciate your chipping technique very much. It worked for the first moment on. Concerning the punch shot, can you do it with any club even a driver. I tried it but it didn’t function very well.
October 22, 2018
Paul WilsonErwin,
No, you don’t want to do it with driver. With your hand in this position and the grip you are delofting the club at least 2 clubs. So I wouldn’t be doing it with anything less than maybe a 5 iron (this would be a 3 iron). If you use less club than that you night not get it airborne.
December 8, 2019
Do you have a specific video on hitting out of divots, or is this the technique/shot method you would advise for such a lie?
December 14, 2019
Paul WilsonMike,
I do not. Yes, you would hit this shot from divots.
August 17, 2020
JacobBurnettSame Jacob Burnett that left a comment on this just now from your Youtube account. Great stuff!
August 19, 2020
Paul WilsonWelcome!! Hope you enjoy the huge archive of tips!!
August 19, 2020
JacobBurnettIt feels like Christmas!