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Do You Hit Your 3 Wood Longer Than Your Driver
Paul Wilson
on August 14, 2012
Tags: 3 wood longer than driverdriverdriver distance
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
18 Responses to “Do You Hit Your 3 Wood Longer Than Your Driver”
August 15, 2012
PETERMCMULLENPaul, today’s tip regarding driver versus 3 wood for distance was 5:12 long and yet at the end of that time you seem to have started to talk about the shaft differences. Is there more to this tip than the 5:12? I have much more confidence in my driver than I do my 3 wood. It makes no difference if I am hitting the 3 wood off a tee or off the fairway. I do not get consistent ball flight with the 3 wood. It tends to be too low a trajectory. Every once in a while I will get a very good hit with the 3 wood and launch the ball. Any suggestions?
August 15, 2012
Paul WilsonPeter,
The tip is fixed.
Here is the tip on hitting the ball higher:
Hit Ball Higher:
Topping Fairway Woods:
Also check this one:
If you need future tips just check the red nav bar at the top and find the topic you are looking for. There are tons of tips there in every category.
August 15, 2012
PETERMCMULLENAs usual you have already address my question. The video cure-topping-fairway woods made it clear. How long ago did you do that taping? The sound and the photo quality of your newer tips is far better. You have made great strides of producing videos. But the content in the older video is right on as usual. Thanks for keeping the teaching consistent. As I have made comment an earlier session, “You’re the man”. I have one teacher – Paul Wilson. I just need to be reminded from time to time on the correct swing. Not hit but swing. Thanks.
August 16, 2012
Paul WilsonThat was one of my first tips. I will re-shoot it when I have chance. Thanks for the support. I truly appreciate it.
August 4, 2018
This tip does appear to cut off at 5:12 when you have more wisdom for us. This is a great tip because it has applicability to a whole host of other transgressions. The real takeaway is that swinging easier and more relaxed does generate greater power and consistency through looser wrists and better extension.
When you get the chance, it would be greatly appreciated if you could re-shoot and update this video plus give us the information you were about to provide when the video cuts off.
The repetition and interconnectedness of your teaching methods is important because when we have all been “hitting” the ball for so many years we need to keep hearing and hearing in different ways your methods in order to “get it.”
Thanks so much for all you do and effort you put into this great website! No where can one find such an extensive library from one instructor that will answer literally any question we might have about the game.
Mike Barrett
August 4, 2018
Paul WilsonMike,
Thanks for the heads up on that tip. I will have to find it. Somewhere.
Thanks for the kind words. I got thinking about that the other day. I have almost answered everything. I still have a huge list so I will keep trying to fill in any gaps but back when I was learning I would have killed for this. More people need to know about it.
Give me a bit to find that tip. I could be anywhere on any hard drive. I am about to go on break for overseeding so I will look for it then.
August 4, 2018
No worry. Just try when you can get around to it. Your Ignition Golf family really appreciates the effort you put in to make us better. No other pro out there offers this kind of direct communication and responsiveness.
You probably have covered it all in your tips but like any message it helps to hear it in a variety of contexts. Your messages never get old. Keep them coming.
August 15, 2012
NigelKentHello Paul, thanks for all your help. I think Peter’s broadband might be a bit slow if he thinks this is only 5min 12 secs long . On my computer its 10min45secs. Sometimes, especially on Youtube, they stop before the end. If you put the cursor to a point along the bottom time indicator before the breakdown, then press play again , you’ll get the whole thing. Hope this helps, Leftienige.
August 16, 2012
Paul WilsonNigel, There was a problem with the tip which was probably corrected when you watched it.
August 16, 2012
mikeplummerHi Paul, Great tip again, it is just amazing while watching a tip to pick up so many things that I had forgotten from previous tips. Will continue to work on these! By the way I am seeing Bronson this Sat. for a fitting and am really excited with obvious outcome of that. I also located a big problem that I have when I don’t get properly set on my right leg while coiling. It took a mirror for me to see, and what a different result with the un-coil when your weight is in the correct distribution. It also takes your concentration off of the ball and back into the swing. Thank you for your dedication to making us better golfers!
August 18, 2012
Paul WilsonMike, glad you liked it. Thanks. Coiling into the right instep is huge. No weight and you have nothing to shift. That’s great too that you had it take your mind off the ball going back. I think you are starting to make some huge breakthroughs. You can never go wrong working on loading into that back leg and of course uncoiling too.
August 16, 2012
HermanKohHi Paul,
In one of your previous video, I saw you generating 118mph club head speed with your driver, my question is:
1) Would you agree that you generate the bulk/majority such club head speed from your risk?
2) Is it fair to say that the more you play, the more one builds his golf muscles thus enabling him to generate greater club head speed?
August 18, 2012
Paul WilsonHerman,
1. The power is coming from the wrist action but this has to be connected to something. That something is your rotating body. The faster you rotate the faster the wrists will release.
Watch: What Powers Your Swing (legs/arms):
2. There have been people who have been paying for 50 years that still shoot 95 so no the amount you play has nothing to do with it. Turning the arms off and using your body has everything to do with it. If you search above a have a ton of tip on lag and a ton on the downswing. It is a mind set of not hitting the ball. Focus on turning the arms off and using the body and you will get it. If you keep trying to hit with the arms it will never happen.
May 2, 2014
JosHi Paul,
I have interest in this video but for some reason it doesn’t run properly. Please kindly have a look.
This week whilst practising at the driving range, I noticed that I was hitting my 3H better longer than my 3W and my Driver which makes no sense. I’m sure that this tip was great information that will help me.Thanks.
May 3, 2014
Paul WilsonJos
April 1, 2018
RichardKrohnHi Paul if I get a club head speed around 90 mph What do you recommend for driver specs ie
shaft stiffness , head degree ?
April 2, 2018
Paul WilsonRichard,
This is best left for a professional clubfitter as there are no set standards for shaft flex. I would think you should be hitting a regular shaft. As you getting the speed closer to or just over 100 mph then stiff would be advisable. Then x if you can get it around 110. You will know the shaft is too weak when you start pull hooking it. This is what I do when I hit students clubs.
Degree: 10.5
Also, it needs to look great to you. This is a positive. It should also sound good. This too is positive. If you have any doubt it is not the right driver then don’t buy it.
May 28, 2019
MarkHelmanHey Paul,
For me the video cuts off just as you were saying that the shaft could be another reason to hit the driver shorter than the 3 wood (which I do).
Can you please let us “driver unfortunates” know what the rest of this tip said, about the shaft or any other causes?