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Are You Driving Your Legs And Hips Too Hard?
Paul Wilson
on February 14, 2025
Tags: DownswingDriving Legs Too Hard GolfLegs and Hips In Golf Swing
Author Description

Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
7 Responses to “Are You Driving Your Legs And Hips Too Hard?”
June 17, 2012
barrybowerwhen i swing trying to use powerless arms,getting strong push type fade,doing the rollover wrist drill , reduces fade to minimal, do i need to reduce my lowerbody move or just do more wrist drills and keep same lower body speed.(whats causes my wrist to tighten up), been working on your technique for 2 1/2 months seen drastic improvements in my game.love the powerless arm philosophy.thanks.
June 18, 2012
Paul WilsonIf you are working on starting with the lower body and hitting pushes and push fades you are either:
1. Driving the lower body way too hard
If this is the case slow down
2. Disconnecting under the left armpit
If this is the case watch this video: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-head-cover-armpit
3. You are sliding laterally
If this is the case watch this video: https://ignitiongolf.com/cure-slide
I would suggest rolling the wrists to get the ball hooking consistently left. This will be done by manually rolling the wrists way earlier than you have been. You can work on this here:
Manually Square the Clubface: https://ignitiongolf.com/impact-squaring-clubface
Manually Square the Clubface (Follow Up): https://ignitiongolf.com/impact-squaring-face-follow-up
Once you get it hooking you go back to firing the lower body as you have been. This will straighten it out and keep the connection.
August 22, 2012
HermanKohHi Paul,
I’ve done all the tips you’ve showed in order to get rid of my gentle push fade. I am turning my lower body to the slowest, I am able to hook the balls and no I am not sliding laterally and also I have tried the head cover drill. I think I have pretty much mastered all of these. Don’t get me wrong, if I see my ball push fades, i will roll over my wrist early at least 20 times, then get my lower body going to straighten it. It works for the next 2 shots, then the problem starts all over again on my 3rd shot onwards. Correct me if I am wrong but I think I have got the most stubborn and tightest wrist? Could it be that once I fire my lower body my hands cannot catch up with the lower body hence causing the clubface to be open at impact? If this is the case would you recommend me to speed up my hands a little on the downswing? Thanks a lot.
August 22, 2012
Paul WilsonHerman, you have to be constantly working on this roll over until you do it all the time. I am not thinking of doing it because I did it thousands and thousands of times. Now my club releases without thinking about it.
The only way the ball can go right is if the face is open. If you end hit one shot this way start rolling it. If you hit another shot right go back to purposely hooking it. Yes, this is going to get you in just as much trouble but the advantage is you are squaring the face. Slicing never has you squaring the face so you will never get it.
If you are pushing/push fading it you are driving the lower body too hard. You are not good enough to do it that hard yet. Do the roll over and just get the lower body starting first. Your goal is to hit straight shots not to hit it long and straight (just yet). Once you can hit numerous fairways you and you are more confident then increase the rotational speed of the body a little.
March 15, 2019
Great comprehensive tip. Being in the northeast I have been working on your technique this winter mostly in my den with rare trips to the range. On the range my misses are mostly straight pulls (10-25 yards left of target line) with about 10-15% of my misses being pushes/push fades. I have trouble feeling the swing going to “right field” without actually hitting the ball to the right.
Overall I am enthused with your approach & hope to visit your school at some point in the not so distant future.
Thanks. Michael
March 25, 2019
JohnEmmonsI just wanted to let you know I applied the lesson here to my golf game last week. I was amazed at the results! I was hitting my driver and irons farther than any time in my golfing history and staying in the fairway a higher percentage of time.
I think the key for me was to keep my lead arm gently connected to my body. What a huge difference it made. I was hitting over greens on my approach shots because of the longer distance I am getting with my irons. Use to hit my 56 degree sand wedge 90 yards before I started to use your golf method, then after 100 yards , but when I kept my lead arm connected to my body , now I hit it 110 yards. Amazing!
Like anyone else my age I wished I learned this method of golf 30 years ago, But thank God I been exposed to it now.
I am 59 years young and really enjoying golfing like never before. I live in Hawaii and basically golf year round. I play 18 holes once a week.
The transition from the way I golfed to the Paul Method was challenging, but hung in there and now I see the fruits of my labor!
I appreciate you sharing and teaching us the most effective way to golf.
One day I hope to make it out to Las Vegas for a lesson, until then, Thank you for what you do Paul!
March 31, 2019
Paul WilsonJohn,
So glad you are doing well and experiencing some great shots and better golf.
Just keep doing what you are doing. If you lose it slow down the 50% then build it back up. I say this because it gets exciting and we want more and more so people swing harder and harder.
You Will Top It: https://ignitiongolf.com/you-will-top-it/
One day I int he near future will make it to Hawaii.