In this tip I show you how to cure a golf slide. Sliding is typically seen in better players. This is because better players have learned how to use their lower body to start the downswing. In doing so they end up moving too much laterally which causes the whole upper body to tilt behind the ball too much in the downswing. This over tilt causes the swing path to be too much from the inside. If you couple this path with a face that is square or open you get pushes and pushes fades. If the clubface closes you get a duck hook.
So during the slide is very important to a better player. Make sure you watch this tip and try to practice information included. Although difficult, it really can be done with a little effort.
4 Responses to “How To Cure A Golf Slide”
June 15, 2012
KeithPaschallThanks, the full swing DVD, book and pitching videos have brought me from an 17 down to a 13. I’ve taken numerous lessons over the past year that have focused on trying to hit on an inside path but trying to hit the inside of the ball. Also trying to not flip through impact. But i have felt this has had me focus on swinging arms and caused me to try and manipulate the club. But your info taught me the lower body downswing.
> Issue I have run into as of late is seeing some bad shots so I took some video and saw that I have gone back to my bad habit of flipping through impact to try and help the ball up. This causing a great loss if distance and some shanks on short irons. Any drills tips or suggestions to work on this?
June 16, 2012
Paul WilsonKeith,
Typically, when people hit the ball better they look for more power. Unfortunately, they do so by hitting harder with the arms instead of just turning faster by using the legs.
In your case if you are flipping you are not turning your body enough in the downswing. I just did a tip on this on Revolution Golf but I haven’t posted it on yet. To cure flipping you need to get the hips and shoulders open at impact. Right now, I get the feeling you are trying to swing inside out and/or sliding the hips laterally on the way down. This keeps the shoulders too closed. If so, and you release it a little early you will flip it which will cause it to hook. When the shoulders are open it moves the release point to a position ahead of the ball. Letter “Y” between the clubshaft and arms at at 2 feet after impact with irons and 3 feet after with woods.
So from the top of the backswing, feel the left knee go straight back to start the downswing. Imagine you have an arrow on the back of your knee and you are going to force it straight back. When this occurs the right leg is immediately coming around to touch i. If it immediately starts back it will not be moving laterally thus creating more rotation. This move also gets the lower body ahead of the club in the downswing.
DO NOT get me wrong. You are not jumping up or shifting onto this leg right away. You are TURNING. The turn locks the leg dead straight. I want you to help it along by thinking of the knee going straight back.
Watch these tips:
Legs Touching:
Exactly How to Start the Downswing:
November 1, 2012
chadcarpenterExcellent combination of explanation of what is going on in a slide and approaches to getting batter in this area. For indoor practice I ended up using a 6″ diameter foam roller that I had for certain fitness exercises. It stand up nicely even on carpet and gets knocked over easily if you slide into it but is plenty stable if you do it right. No worries about hitting it while swinging.
November 1, 2012
Paul WilsonChad, That’s a great idea. I will have to tell people about this. I have one of these so I see how good this would be. Thanks.