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Critiquing How To Practice
Paul Wilson
on August 2, 2015
Tags: golf swing practiceHow to Practice GolfPractice
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
22 Responses to “Critiquing How To Practice”
August 2, 2015
BillMorrisPaul: I noticed that neither Joe nor I are taking divots with the iron. We should be hitting the ball first, then the grass, causing a divot. What are we doing wrong and how can we correct that?
Thanks, Bill Morris
August 3, 2015
Paul WilsonBill,
You are hitting with your arms. I have fixed many students over the years simply by turning their arms off. If you noticed in the video even in his after swing he is still chicken winging it a little. If you buckle your arms they get shorter thus pulling the club off the ground. If you are trying to hit, you will look to see what you hit thus lifting the club off the ground. If you do both lifting and buckling you will most likely top it.
So taking a divot is your tell-tale sign you are hitting. Swing slower and let your arms fully extend to the release point.
How To Take A Divot:
August 3, 2015
tedvernonThis tip was so timely for me. I’ve mentioned how I struggled with the short backswing, and mine is a little longer than Joe’s was, but now his looks great. It gave me the confidence that I can defintely make mine longer. Just need to practice the same drill you gave Joe. It works! Thanks as always, Paul #relieved
August 3, 2015
Paul WilsonTed,
That short backswing is tough to generate power. Go slow and touch the neck for a while. Once you get used to it, then just don’t touch the neck. Shouldn’t take too long but you have to do it on every swing for a while.
August 3, 2015
tedvernonThanks, Paul. Even with the short backswing I can carry 143 with my 7 iron and 200 with my driver, so I’m hopeful that a longer backswing will help my distances.
August 4, 2015
Paul WilsonTed,
That short backswing is tough. Takes me all I’ve got to hit my normal distance. Longer swing gives you more time to generate speed. Keep doing the drill and get it a little longer. You’ll be glad you did.
August 3, 2015
AnthonyAdairHey Paul,
Nice video today, used to be that guy. My question is, even though you fix the problems if needed as touch the legs and club between the ears, you still would want to care about your ball flight to right. It would tell you a lot correct.
August 3, 2015
Paul WilsonTony,
Once you get the positions you are thinking thinking positions and where the ball is going. You ask yourself 3 questions:
1. Where did it start?
2. What spin is on it?
3. How did it feel?
Once you know that you can determine if there are body issues, wrist issues, or swinging too hard.
These fixes are on the first Full Swing slide to the right of the 8 lessons.
August 3, 2015
BryanRhoadesWhat a great tip. Damning for almost all of us b/c it’s so easy to slip into this mindset on the range. Not to mention it’s just not realistic. You can’t/don’t hit ball after ball on the course like that so why practice that way? Save $5 and buy the smaller bucket & add practice swings…lol.
August 3, 2015
tedvernonThat makes a lot of sense though, Bryan Rhoades 🙂
August 3, 2015
Paul WilsonBryan,
That’s right. I’ve wanted to do this one for a while but couldn’t find a willing candidate or I didn’t bring out the equipment. This works out.
I keep saying it’s all about the move. He made amazing progress in 2 hours but if he doesn’t practice the positions though he will go right back to the old swing. I never want that to happen. For the sake of a little different practice you can keep it forever.
August 3, 2015
AlbertChungGreat tip. I found that doing the practice routine as you describe by hitting balls into a practice net at home had made it easier to change the way I use to play. Hitting it into a practice net means it did not matter where the ball went or how far it went. I can fully concentrate on the actual body movements rather than looking how the ball moved
August 3, 2015
Paul WilsonAlbert,
That’s great. Even in a net you can get into the hitting sensation though. Make sure you also do practice swings. Keep up the good work.
August 4, 2015
LarryRobertsGreat tip on practicing correctly. I have a question. Because of low ceilings, I often use a training club that is not as full length as a regular club. The trainer has the training grip that seems to match the neutral grip. I realize that with this club I may be off a little on ball position. Should I stop using this trainer club at home? It is the one with the offset in the shaft and an adjustable weight on the end for irons or lighter for driver.
August 4, 2015
Paul WilsonLarry,
I have a shorter Momentus that I swing inside without a problem. The training grips these days are quite good. I don’t think it’s a problem. Glad you are doing practice swings at home. This is a great way to develop a great swing.
August 4, 2015
StianOttersenA bit off topic, but any good grips you would recommend? Those I have now dont seem to be a good fit with the powerless arms, as i really need to hold tight in order for the club not to slip in my hands. Suggestions?
August 4, 2015
Paul WilsonStian,
This is really personal preference. I use the original Tour Wraps. When I was working on my swing many years ago I used full cord grips (tough on your hands). I really don’t like Winn grips. They are too soft which allows too much movement in the grip. Just try a bunch of different grips and find the ones you like the feel of.
August 5, 2015
StianOttersenI was also thinking about the Tour Wraps. Looks good. Thanks for the advise 🙂
August 4, 2015
HarrisonCrecraftThis is a great tip, and pretty much sums up exactly how I’ve been practising. I find it’s easy to hit lots of balls poorly over and over then get frustrated and feel like I’ve got nothing out of the session. I’ll definitely be changing my routine to incorporate many more practice swings and fewer balls to concentrate on the movement. Thanks for this one Paul.
August 4, 2015
Paul WilsonHarrison,
Lots of people coming out of the woodwork now saying they practice like this. I knew it. Yes, change your routine. Work on something. It is not about the ball. Changes take time so you may even have practice sessions where you don’t hit that many good shots. This doesn’t matter. What matters is if you are getting closer to perfecting what you went out there to work on.
August 4, 2015
MargaretBRENNANHi Paul,
This lesson has been a great reality check for me. Today at the range, with all your good advice foremost in my mind, I had to stop myself every time from raking in another ball without giving any attention to grip, alignment etc. As a teacher myself (of music), I frequently use the axiom ‘Practice does not make perfect. Practice makes permanent and only good practice makes perfect.’ It’s high time I practiced what I preach, when I play golf!
It was a relief for me to see you ask your pupil to lengthen his backswing. I have been trying hard to shorten mine with negative results – loss of rhythm, poor contact etc. I have been advised and have read that a shorter backswing helps to keep the left arm straight and produces better length but it hasn’t worked for me so far.
I enjoy your lessons very much and am making some progress with the ‘powerless arms’ approach.
Thank you,
August 4, 2015
Paul WilsonMargaret,
Funny how even teachers can be sucked in to watching the ball. Unfortunately, most of the good shots people hit are just luck. Put enough balls in front of someone and they are bound to hit a few good ones. Now, you will go to the range with purpose. Accomplish small goals. After a while you will put it all together and have a great swing that will hit good shots all of the time.
Glad you like the lessons. I appreciate the feedback.