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Coiling and Loading With Resistance
Paul Wilson
on January 6, 2019
Tags: Backswingbackswing coil drillcoiling
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
7 Responses to “Coiling and Loading With Resistance”
January 6, 2019
RaymondCHASTELSound new way to train the coil back.I do it usually the other way you showed previously ,with the rubber tubing around the waist ;as I find the resistance to be too weak ,i practice with several rubber tubings (three )in parallell.
You can also train the core strength by doing wood chops standing straight up and pulling the rubber tubings down ,not with the arms but with the abs .
January 7, 2019
Paul WilsonRaymond,
Yes, try it with coiling and you will see how easy it is to coil.
I doubled up the UST for the hips. You can always add more tension by standing farther away too.
January 9, 2019
SteveSmercakYou stated “Load into your back instep”. Could you explain how this feels? and what portion of the foot is that 80 back 20 front? I have had the tendency to sway, and then not re-sway, and I will hit some long left pull hooks.
I am left handed, but play right handed. My hndp is 21 and I never seem to improve.
January 9, 2019
Paul WilsonSteve,
I can’t seem to find a tip specifically on this. Check out this one it shows it:
Weight Distribution:
January 9, 2019
Paul WilsonSteve,
Here is a recent one I did not too long ago:
Grip The Grass:
January 7, 2019
RodneyMartinHey Paul, I have a problem with the other leg / side. Couldn’t I use the tubing procedure reversed to help strengthen my forward hip / leg to pull me through and around as I do the knee touch? Rod
January 7, 2019
Paul WilsonRodney,
Yes, you can also use it for hips. I did a tip on this here:
DRILL: Faster Hip Rotation (UST):