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How To Fix A Chicken Wing – Part 7
Paul Wilson
on June 27, 2012
Tags: fix chicken wing golf swinghow to fix chicken wingImpact
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
9 Responses to “How To Fix A Chicken Wing – Part 7”
June 28, 2012
JaySchwarzWhen I do the release drill and point the butt of the club at the target line on the backswing and again after impact, I get a really solid feeling and hit some great shots.
How do these chicken wing extension drills work with the release drills? Is it just that the free release happens after the club extends?
I tend to hit pulls and letting the club head freely fly out past impact helps the direction but I don’t want to lose that nice click I get with the release. I’m trying to figure out how to put these two drills together.
The two drills seem to want to out the club face at different positions post impact. Thanks!
July 2, 2012
Paul WilsonThe release and the chicken wing go hand in hand. If you chicken wing you will not release so doing the release drill is great. Who chicken wings the club? Average and beginning players? Who does not release the club? Average and beginning players? So working on the release will take this player to the next level because they will reduce the chicken wing. Once totally gone they are now in the better player category.
The club will re-hinge after the ball is hit not just after impact due the body rotation. When you use the lower body properly the upper body hangs back thus moving the release point ahead of the ball. So the club is starting to release down to impact because it cannot hold this angle forever. It gets to impact with a slight angle between the left arm and clubshaft. It then gets to the release point approx. 2 feet after impact with irons and 3 feet after with woods. Then club then re-hinges fully into the through swing.
The pull is coming from the arms starting the downswing first. IF the body started first the mass would follow. If the mass follows it would be moving to 90 degrees to the axis (body) which would have it swinging out at the ball not over the top. So keep trying to turn the arms off. If you do the lower body will start first thus creating the path from the inside.
April 15, 2018
StianOttersenPlayed yesterday. Before I have had too many thoughts while playing. Yesterday my only thoughts were to keep my grip secure (have had a tendency to get the false feeling of looseness by not keeping my grip secure) and feel like having the butt of the club as far away from my body as possible in the through swing. Felt great and hit the ball better than ever (and this was the first round of the year in Norway). Also reached my goal of single hcp (9,7)!
April 15, 2018
Paul WilsonStian,
Wow, that’s great! Good job. As I keep saying your swing is looking great. Time to start making it simple and trusting it.
June 18, 2021
JackWickwireI’ve been working on this swing for about a year now with pretty good success. I’ve enjoyed the 6 chicken wing tips, but I found out after working on them that “chicken wing” is not a good swing thought for me! This seventh one has been helpful in that regard, thanks.
Do you have any tips on controlling the trajectory?
June 21, 2021
Paul WilsonMost shots should be hit with normal trajectory, you want the golf ball coming into a green high. You can try putting the golf ball back in your stance slightly to lower trajectory or you can hit a punch shot. Check out these tips:
Easy Ways To Lower Trajectory:
Lower Overall Trajectory:
Hit Ball Higher:
Knock Down Shot:
June 25, 2021
CharlesMintzerWhen I get good extension on the thru swing it seems I don’t finish my swing . Is that because my wrists are locked and not releasing. With my driver it produces a straight but low drive which is not my normal drive .
July 6, 2021
HongbingLiuHi Paul, I have a hard time to “always” straighten my left arm in my follow-thru, but I am able to pretty much always straighten my right arm in my follow-thru. Does it mean that I have cured my chicken wing in the downswing?
Sorry I don’t have a videos of my swing to verify….
July 16, 2021
Paul WilsonIf you are right-handed, then you would want your right arm straightening and then the left would start to fold into the through swing. Check out this tip:
Three Quarters Through – Lead Arm Position: