Should You Be Moving 2 Directions At Once

By | on August 1, 2012 | 10 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

10 Responses to “Should You Be Moving 2 Directions At Once”

  1. What do you think of a slight pause at the top of the backswing? I seem to be earily or late on my downswing tring to determine when Im tight on the back swing??? I then swing the club more consistant and get streighter ball flight.

  2. August 2, 2012


    Hi Paul, like the tip and will work it into my practice. I don’ t know if you noticed, but on RG last night I mentioned ignitiongolf and they deleted my comment. They sent out a questionnaire today and I let them know that I found that unacceptable and am canceling my membership. It is so strange the they are not smart enough to see all the questions and comments when your tips are on over the other instructors. Oh well, I’ll just work harder informing as many people as I can about you and your website. Will be playing tomorrow, and 50 percent speed will be my mantra!

    • August 4, 2012

      Paul Wilson

      Mike, I didn’t notice that. I guess that goes against free speech. I thank you for your efforts and support. I need all the help I can get.

  3. Paul,
    When I turn my shoulders, I have a very hard time keeping my hips stable. They tend to follow the shoulder turn (more than the 45* you suggest). I do not feel the torgue. My front leg (right) in my case, bends excessively and I have a difficult time straightening it fully on the downswing. I know the weight should be 80% on the back foot on the backswing but I’m just not getting the “feeling”. You have great tips. Hope you can help.

    • August 4, 2012

      Paul Wilson

      Larry, glad you like the tips. Thanks.

      Did you watch Jeremy’s tip last night. This is a perfect exercise that you should be doing. You can watch it here:

      Keep the lower body stable can be difficult. The way I did it many years ago was to focus on my belt buckle. I imagined it was pointing at the ball at address. Then as I took the club to the top I still imagined it was pointing at the ball (even though it moved). This gave me the tight feeling. I also did practice swings nightly on our patio watching my lower body and focusing on not moving it while going back. The lower body moves by the shoulders turning back. So watch the legs and focus on turning. Also so the helicopter drill while standing up. This is an easy drill to get the backswing separation between the shoulders and hips.

  4. Thank you ,Paul ,for reminding me not ” to have the eyes bigger than the stomach “,or overcomplicating the issues .
    So i”ll remain focused on the biggest shoulder COIL possible ,with a stable lower body ,and That Will be enough .

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    December 17, 2018


    Sir Paul,
    Outstanding tip as usual. I agree that following your advice and example – especially maintaining
    the widest possible swing arc, most tightly torqued shoulder/hip coil, loose as oily, cooked spaghetti
    arms and wrists, fast uncoiling led by legs and hips, and all done in perfect timing – will give us the best success in terms of distance and accuracy.
    The average driving distance last year on the PGA Tour was 295 yd.The average of the top ten
    was only 315, and the top golfer only 320. I say “only” because I watched you hit three balls to a 320 yd green, with two on and one on the fringe, I think, and you are not moving in the two direction coil/uncoil move. By the way, of the top ten in distance, not one of them was even in the top 100 in
    driving accuracy.
    The sport of “long driving” is, I think, not golf. The only similarity seems to be that they hit a golf ball with a golf club. They averaged 355 yd last year, with the final winner at 435 yd. And, they need only put 1 ball in play out of 8 drives. Hitting only 12.5% in bounds would not score too well in golf.

    Anyway, thanks again for being so concerned, so dedicated, and so helpful, Paul


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      December 17, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      Also, they are playing on rock hard fairways. Ever seen how much roll they get? If you fly it 280 with 50 yards roll you get 330 all day long. If you can be long and straight its great. Growing up driver was the worst club in my bag. Now it’s my best. This all happened once I stopped trying to hit or help the ball with the arms. Such a good feeling being in the fairway all day long.

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