Shake Hands at Halfway Back?

By | on July 1, 2014 | 10 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

10 Responses to “Shake Hands at Halfway Back?”

  1. Paul in keeping the armpit of left arm connected to the body, does that keep the swing being on plane?

    • Kenneth,

      It should stop you from moving the club too deep behind you going back. Just check the related tips right below this tip. There is one on the halfway back position.

  2. Paul,

    I really like what you’ve done to the site. I am on the site daily from my iPad, and the new site is much friendlier to iPad users.

  3. July 2, 2014


    thanks Paul, great reminder about the Y going back!
    Regards the new website layout, liking it so far, especially the cleaner layout and more white space, no issues with playing video on my laptop so far. Thanks

    • Tom,

      I hadn’t really touched on the takeaway in some time. Just thought this was something that is an important part of the early stage of the swing.

      Glad you like the site. Few issues we are still trying to fix but for the most part it went well. I just couldn’t deal with the old site any longer. This new one is very clean and simple. Simple is good. Just like the golf swing.

  4. Hi Paul,

    I’ll echo Tom. Much easier to use on the iPad.

    I’d forgotten about the take away, we’ll not really nailed it properly. You reminded me to keep the Y going back and it seems to make for a more solid shot.

    Thanks Paul

    • Jose,

      Glad you like the new site. Going to make a major change here soon. Hopefully you will like it.

      The letter Y is huge as you take it back. Glad you worked on it.

  5. July 31, 2014


    In an attempt to keep arms loose I feel like I lose extension in arms on backswing. I guess you cant have both. How do you keep arms relatively straight and keep them loose ?


  6. August 1, 2014


    Makes sense.


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