Lunge Stretch

By | on December 28, 2022 | 4 Comments | Array


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4 Responses to “Lunge Stretch”

  1. Wonderful exercise,Jeremy ,I hadn’t seen it before .
    I use to do the lunge strech with a rotation of the upper body towards the forward leg which is a completely different movement ,and in which you have to keep your balance,not that easy !

  2. Jeremy ,
    Is the “BULGARIAN SPLIT SQUAT ” a good exercise to practise?
    This exercise is the following :you stand straight up
    your right leg is folded at right angles :the right foot is supported by a chair ,for example .
    you flex your left leg and hold .
    then you stand up again .
    Not easy to do!

    • Great exercise! Excellent for a dynamic stretch of the back leg while the front leg gets the strength work. As you know, the front knee must NEVER go in front of the ankle below it during the “squat” portion.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

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    October 27, 2020


    Hi Jeremy,
    I start every morning with a series of stretches, most of which I have put together based on your instruction, it is an excellent routine to get me going (and before I hit the bowflex as follow-up). I am still working full-time and therefore find it hard to incorporate all of your suggested workouts, so I wonder if you could put together something along the lines of a ‘golfers essentials’ – 10 to 15 minute daily routine. That way I would know I am working the right muscle groups to keep fit, especially during the winter months. Really appreciate all that you do for us – thank you!

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