The Purpose of the Practice Swing

By | on July 6, 2015 | 11 Comments | Array


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11 Responses to “The Purpose of the Practice Swing”

  1. Excellent lesson ,Dave,rythm is paramount to,a good golf swing ,so is emptying your mind of unwelcomed thoughts when stepping into THE “Play Box “

  2. Hi Dave,
    Great tip as usual. (I did leave you several messages some weeks ago but I don’t think you got them)
    My problem Dave is FOCUS I get easily distracted by other people and silly thoughts enter my head. eg Oh dear there is that Jinx every time I see him I duff my shot or I better hit a good one now!
    I cant get into a zone of concentration
    Basically some other people annoy me on the golf course Not raking bunkers, slow play ,noisy etc etc
    Golf is the only game I can think of where other people can ruin your game

  3. Hi Paul,

    No…don’t think I got them.
    You describe a very common concern for golfers!

  4. have you any videos on focus?

  5. July 26, 2013


    Hi Dave
    Nice one.

  6. July 26, 2013


    Hi Dave
    Nice one Thanks..

  7. Dave ,This is a repeat video lesson from two years ago ,but it’s important to see it again and again .
    Two recommendations:
    ROUTINE = GASP (Grip ,Alignment ,Stance,Posture ) Should be checked before every shot
    RYTHM :Go with the JOHN NOVOSEL system and his TEMPO TIMER . Playing the 3/1 beat prevents all mistakes in the swing

  8. Why is it that very often you don’t take the same swing as your practice swing when you go to actually hit the ball?

    • Francis,

      This is due to human nature telling you to hit the ball that is sitting in front of you. My technique gives you positions that allow you to take your mind off of hitting and allow you to repeat them 100% every time. You can’t touch your legs better than touching. You can’t get the club more parallel to your ears than parallel. etc. So you need to forget the ball and think more about doing the positions. If you do you will build a repeatable golf swing that will be the same regardless of whether a ball is there or not. Just follow the 8 lessons on the FULL SWING slide in the DASHBOARD. This is what I teach all students.

  9. Dave,
    Enjoy your tips . Recently have encountered a real problem with my drives . My golf partners say I have a great practice swing and have been working hard with Paul Wilson’s tips . However over the last few weeks when I go to the ball after my practice swing I think I have a feeling like I’m not going to be able to make a good swing and I’ve really had a terrible time with my drives especially . I have a bad habit of hitting thin many other times and have
    been using Paul’s tips to try to correct this but am not able to break it consistently . I’m realyy at my wits end with the drives . I’ve attemted to slow down ,maintain my spine anngle and swing with loose arms but nothing seems to work .I’m also working with a pro who is touted to be one of the best teachers in my area and I can hit the ball pretty well when I’m with him but lose it after. I really think there is a strong mental error here . Sounds crazy I guess but any suggestion would be greatly appreciated

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