David and Paul – Mental Thoughts As You Go To the First Tee

By | on March 21, 2022 | 13 Comments | Array


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13 Responses to “David and Paul – Mental Thoughts As You Go To the First Tee”

  1. September 18, 2012


    Good tip! Simple but ever so hard! At the first tee there are so many other things that distract you….taking out balls, having all things at place, do I have the right amount of clothing etc….All theese things might take away the concentration on the real important thing to get a good first tee shot! The thoughts that was in place in the car, on the way to the course suddenly goes away and the first tee shot is poor and then the thoughts i going in bad direction and the first hole is a disaster!! I will first thing go and make my self a note and put on my carry so I can see it when I walk to the first tee!!

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    September 18, 2012

    David Breslow


    Thanks for your note!
    I love your new “model”–use it–it will definitely help!
    Let us know your progress, will you?


    • September 23, 2012


      Played 18 holes today and I really tried to concentrate on the three things: set up, rhythm and breathing from every tee. My driver has not worked very well (in fact not at all) the last weeks but today I managed to get my drives straight forward. My own thoughts are that I have (by filming and the instructions here) discovered some things that was really bad in my set up. Managed to correct this today I think. The score is still bad, but I

      • September 24, 2012

        Paul Wilson

        Lotta, That’s great news. Just keep going through each of your positions and start to make the changes I described in an earlier reply. Stay focused on turning the arms off and using the legs to hit the ball.

  3. July 22, 2014


    Gentlemen, you guys are just amazing! Keep going with this!
    I’ve been caddieing last sunday for a friend of mine. She was really doing great (not sure if it was because of her caddie ;-)) but this two other galls in our flight were just a true example of what was said in this tip! They cared about everything else except their own business – man it was so obvious – not only on tees.

    • Reiner,

      The mental side of the game is important and people know that but as David says, they do little about it. This is common sense stuff that everyone should practice.

  4. July 22, 2014


    Greetings Gentlemen What a wonderful tip I could have used it last saturday wonderful Thanks David Paul you read my question correctly i found out this morning that i was letting my left wrist bend back too much and that let the club touch my head .Just lazy maybe I watched the tip and saw my mistake. To both of you thanks

    • John,

      Glad we caught that. I don’t want everyone to know I teach touching the head in the backswing. Glad you liked this tip. Thanks.

  5. For those who have been competing in athletic compétitions ,such as 100 m dash ,High jump .long jump ,Weight throwing etc…,the feeling is about the same .The best way to go through the whole thing is to concentrate on respecting routine First :GASP (Grip ,Alignment ,Stance ,Posture ) second Breathe slow ,hold to a count of 5 ,exhale ,hold to a count of 5 Third Empty your head of all thoughts Four Concentrate on having a slow rythm ( I do this by counting slowly in in my head as I go through the postions ).
    Say to yourself your are enclosed in a bubble ,nobody is around .
    Also ,come in slowly to the first TEE ,not in a rush ,it’s difficult to quiet the body if you are in a rush !

  6. August 2, 2016


    Paul and David,

    Very entertaining. Wish you had like a Sunday radio show like the Tappet brothers car show…dare I say Tap-in Brothers? lol.

    Always sage advice from you both (Jeremy, too). I’ve had to hang up the bag for a few months recovering from back surgery, but I do my Ignition golf and Body Swing reviews just about daily to stay sharp when I get back.


  7. I commented on this interesting video lesson two years ago .Nothing to change to what I said then .
    But I’ve added something very important ,just watching JASON DAY : close your eyes ,see THE distance aiming point you sélected a moment before ( A distant tree Limb ,a church steeple ,a peak OF a mountain ,an overhanging Limb ,a roof top chimney ,any thing very ,very précise ) see yourself sending THE Ball to That target ,see THE Ball flying to That target ) ,then go to your Ball take your address position ,orientate THE clubhead to THE spot sélected before two or three yards in front OF THE Ball ,go ahead and swing .You”ll be amazed how your Ball does exactly what you want her to do .
    Also ,swing 100/ 200 swings a DAY ,so when you swing you’re on Automatic pilot ,and don’t have to care about your swing
    Doing so ,I rarely miss a shot ,whether on THE TEE or on THE fairway ,on in THE Rough .

  8. Used the Tip from David with only the 3 swing thoughts . Went out yesterday and shot the best I had ever shot. Wow it works. Not only did I have a great score, but the tempo thought made me hit the ball farther with so much less effort. I am a 23 handicap and yesterday knocked 9 strokes off. I am on my way.
    Thank you Paul and David.

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